Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Maid Shopping at Far East Shopping Centre

Woke up at 1pm today, slept through my Sunday morning..

Ate a bowl cereal, headed off to Orchard and straight to Far East Shopping centre, saw many people were shopping for jewellery in house of hung

Went to Aatas agency and interviewed two maids. The agency is bad and didnt know about anything

after two interviews, i then went for a meal in Orchard Ion food court,

I continued my interviews with 4 maids from another agency SG manpower.

It is very exhausting as somehow every maids are saying yes to almost all the request I am asking.

Daniel Loh on Option strategy

It is 12 pm, I am preparing for a meal with CCY and also Serene in Raffles place, along with the river at boat quay. It is always good to catch up with good friends over lunch. They are truly someone I know I can trust entirely.

After lunch, I then move swiftly to Tanjung pagar for Daniel Loh's option trading introductory course from 2pm to 5pm at international plaza.

The speaker started off with a brief explanation about the market crashes for the past 50 years. How bubbles are formed and pricked

He somehow managed to link up rising interest rates is the key factor for the bubbles to burst.

He also stated in order for a bubble to burst, it normally takes 4 times of interest rise.

Over decades, debt burdens slowly increase, debt repayment will grow faster than income and forces people to cut back on spending, since ones spending is another's income. As interest rates rise, an individual debt repayment will increase and causes less spending. It will then cause others to have less income, less borrowing, more debt repayment and less spending. Hence becomes a vicious circle. Which is the peak of long-term debt. Deleveraging will happen.

So when deleveraging happens, it is important to know how to short a stock.
Watch the video below until I can understand it.

The session ended around 5pm, and i had a quick meal with Joey ting at han's restaurant. He bought me a pineapple tarts from JB.

I then went to work in marina bay station.