Friday, March 23, 2018

Success journal 116


Brought food to work

Eat green

Eat at home

Spent time with Jayden at home

To listen to tip podcasts

To not react to market drop

Succes journal 115


Celebrated serene birthday with friends

Spent time with Jayden, walked with him

Entered geo energy and smart sand. Hold Lbrands and GE

Take cold shower, drink lemon water and rebounded

Started little investing book

Eating more healthy

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Success journal 114


Spend time with Jayden

Shared money with Shaun for mum's birthday celebration

Spent time with ccy

Completed Money master the game book by Tony Robbins

Brought food from home to work

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Success Journal 113


Continue with success journal

Eat clean

Rest sufficiently


Drink lemon water

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Success Journal 112


Spent time with Jayden

Had good rest

Listen to podcasts

Take cold shower

Connect with agent and property agent

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Success Journal 111

FFA 20

Went for home viewing and set objective with Jenny

Spent time with Jenny

Work closely with Loi

Contributed to FFA

Connect with parents

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Success journal 110


Spent time with Jayden

Connect with Jenny on our progress.

Follow up with my personal loan,BDO and also PNB.

Eat lean and healthy meals

Read money by TR

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Success journal 109

FFA 20

Spent time with Jayden

Went swimming with him

Went to the park

Brought food to work

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Success journal 108


Watched peter rabbit movie with Jenny

Wake up at 5am, took cold shower and rebound.

Continue drinking lemon water

Connect with family, be thankful

Be grateful with you support and work