Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Success Journal 160


Connect with Jenny and Jayden at home

Brought salad to work

Connect with dad

To watch video about FBA

To find course about DBA

Did rebounding, cold shower and daily cards

Monday, July 30, 2018

Success Journal 159


Watched video about investing by Charlie Munger

Massaged  Jenny

Eat salad for lunch

Read daily cards

Manage my money

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Success Journal 158

FFA 13

Brought salad to work

Build healthy food into my lifestyle

Spent time and connect with uni mates and pore pore group

Connect with jayden in the morning

Did rebounding, cold shower

Friday, July 27, 2018

Success Journal 157


Celebrate our relationship with Jenny over meal

Connect with Jenny at night and Jayden at home in the morning

Listened to Tony robbins video and shared with friends

Rebounding, Lemon water and cold shower

I am an excellent receiver

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Success Journal 156


Connect with Jayden and Jenny

Went to Sean Seah's Viconnect. Learnt about lululemon and Nvidia

Connect with Vera and her cousin

Continue my book reading berkshire newsletter

Brought salad to work

Had fruits for breakfast

Connect with Sammy and learnt about kids going back kk to study

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

SUCCESS journal 155


Connect with Vera and Janet her cousin

Connect with Jenny and Jayden at home

Took cold water shower

Brought salad to work

Book of the week Berkshire newsletter

Share of the week Campbell soup

To attend gathering this Wednesday

Connect with Gayan and Madhu

Friday, July 20, 2018

Success Journal 154

FFA 0.5

Listened to Julie dittmar

Ate salad for lunch

Connect with Jayden in the morning

Connect with Jenny at night

Call parents at 3pm

Listened to TIP podcast

Settled with Kabo lawyers

Got refunded Australia  legal fees

Connect with agent in phillipines

Drink lemon water

Book of the week Berkshire newsletter

Stock of the week 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Success Journal 153


Connect with Jenny

Spent time with Jenny
Had fruits for breakfast


Took cold shower

Connect with Loi

Got 1.5k money refund

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Success Journal 152


Spent time with jayden

Showered with Jayden

Brought salad to work

Ate at home

Connect with Parents

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Success Journal 151


Spent a Sunday with Jenny and Jayden

Massaged Jenny

Aligned with Jenny on our direction

Had fruits for breakfast

went to swimming and schicida with Jayden

Celebrated  Sally birthday

Joined a meet up group about Fulfilment by Amazon

Connect with Sg Tony Robbins group

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Success Journal 150


Spending time with jayden in the morning

Connect with Jenny at night 

Watch video of FBA by derrick struggle

Eat fruits for breakfast

Listen to TIP

Friday, July 13, 2018

Success Journal 149


connect with ccy

connect with parents

brought salad to work

learned video about FBA

Connected with jayden in the morning

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Success Journal 148

FFA 200

Listened to Jim Rohn with Jenny at night about change

Connect with Jenny at night and in the morning

rebounding on a daily basis

read the wealth declaration in the morning

sent email to pnb and Kabo lawyer

settled the nir

Had a meal with Jenny in Guan Dynasty

Eat salad for lunch

Brought glass jar to work

Set my intention right about work

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Success Journal 147


book of the week= Berkshire newsletter

stock of the week=raffles medical group

connect with jayden in the morning

to connect with Jenny

To bring salad to work

to plan my week and schedule

to plan what to be done in July

to lose weight and maintain at 76kg

do rebounding in the morning

to declutter stuff and simplified life

deleted facebook and instagram from my phone

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Success Journal 146


connect with Jenny and Jayden

brought lemon drink and drink 2l a day

enough rest for the day

Connect with parents

Eating lean

Be grateful

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Success Journal 145


Rented out our 108. received rental income of AUD700++

Spent time with Jayden in the morning

Connect with Jenny at night

Connect with Dad

Gain more insights on youtuber

Pitched my idea in Cantonese to jenny's group.