Thursday, December 27, 2018

Success journal 223


Spent time with Jayden, brought him to yoga class

Skipped my breakfast

Brought slippers for Jenny

Connect with dad and mum over the phone

Communicate with Sally

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Success journal 222


Spent time in the pool and connect with Jayden.

Skipped my breakfast

Connect with Jenny

Took video and made a video clip

Shared happy moment with aunty Michelle.

Grateful to have Sally

Grateful we are all healthier

Lost 3kgs of the travel weight  

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Success journal 221


Brought Jayden to swimming and schicida today

Connect with Jenny and listen to her story

Connect with my parents, felt more comfortable to speak to them over the phone now

Tidying up photos for editing at home

Rebounding with Jayden

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Success journal 220


Spent time with Jayden, connect with him and brought him to park, played football with him too

Connect with mum over phone and listen to her

Had salad for my dinner

Review my trip and prepare high quality photos

Connect with Nippon paint Sabah team and competitors

Allow Jenny to experience Nippon paint trip to central Europe

Allow Jenny and dad to connect closely

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Success journal 219


The alarm for the daily journal seems to work. I tend to record my journals more now

Bought a ticket to attend a Korean wedding

Spent time with Jayden in the morning

Took cold shower

Believe that I am more than enough

To learn more about videography

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Success journal 218


Video a day

Intention card

Cold shower

Lemon water

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Success journal 217


Spent time with Jayden in the morning

Brought green salad to work

Brought lemon

Practise 16:8 now

Connect with Jenny through our financial stuff

You got to stand for your view if is good for the family

Monday, December 3, 2018

Success journal 216


Taking videos of Jayden in the morning, learning to vlog

Connect with Jenny, Jayden,mum and dad

Take cold shower

Read intention card

Weigh myself in the morning

Brought salad to work

Still continue my blogging

Connect with my reader. Some people do read blog

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Success journal 215


Step up on my photography skills, took my 1st time lapse in Changi petal cloud

Connect with Jenny , mum and dad

Connect with Shaun

Focus on productivity

Brought salad to work

Spent time and energy with Jayden

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Success journal 214


Connect with dad

Got help with Jenny

Connect with mum

Spent time with my self relaxing

Brought salad to work

Weight myself every morning