Thursday, January 31, 2019

Success journal 244


Stand firm on my point

Use my voice, I am the voice

Do what the rich does

Fix a morning ritual

Swam and went to playground with Jayden

Connect with Jenny and mum

Had clean meat

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Success journal 243


Connect with dad and mum

Swam with Jayden and brought him to playground

Had salad for dinner


Cold shower

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Success journal 242

FFA 50

Spent time and connect with Jenny and Jayden

Connect with parents

Work on video making skills

Lemon water for drinks

Had grilled chicken for dinner

Friday, January 25, 2019

Success journal 241

FFA 0.5

Spent time with Jayden in the pool

Connect with Jenny and helped her with her assignment

Had salad for dinner

Connect with mum, dad and Shaun

Brought lemon water to work

Read to Jayden for 20mins

Read the news

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Success joirnal 240


Spent time with Jenny and Jayden. We went to yoga class and orchard road.

Had tea in Paris baguette and dinner in food village in Ngee Ann

Had lemon water

Took cold shower

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Success journal 239


Connect with Jenny and Jayden

Lemon water
Salad meal

Cold shower

Kept up with my journal

Shared the news with my dad

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Success journal 238


Watched YouTube about miracle morning for millionaires

Spent time and connect with Jayden, went to swimming and watched ABCs together.

Had salad for dinner

Took lemon water

Connect with Loi about self development

Keep improving my presentation skills

Monday, January 21, 2019

Success journal 237


Our neighbour joined us for swimming in the pool with Jayden

Connect with parents

How to maintain my passive income

Brought my cheques to the bank

Had salad for meal

Read with Jayden

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Success journal 236


Spent time with Jayden

Went for a swim with him

Salad for meal

Lemon water

Bought a cake for Jayden

Friday, January 18, 2019

Success journal 235


Spent time with Jayden

Went to swimming with him

Connect with parents

Had sufficient rest

Connect with dad

Jumped into the pool with Jenny in the morning

To be consistent with posting my Instagram

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Success journal 234


Spent time with CCY

Connect with Jenny

Went yoga with Jayden

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Success journal 233


Consistency and frequency

Build the habit

Had salad for dinner

Brought salad to work

Took cold shower

Had lemon water

Focus on health

Post food related post to my Instagram

Focus on 1 thing at a time

Monday, January 14, 2019

Success journal 232


Spent time with Jayden, swam with him

Connect with our neighbours daughter in the common area

Had salad for dinner with Jenny

Influence my family to eat healthy

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Success journal 231


Stay motivated . Watched movie by neistat

Amended the floor plan PNB

Checked 108 inspection

Focus on film making and stepping up my photography

Had salad for dinner

Brought Salad to work

Took cold shower

Wrote down my goals on the board

Friday, January 11, 2019

Success journal 230


Spent time with Jayden, went to the swimming pool

Connect with Jenny over meal. We had sushi express

Convince bosses on my performances

Took cold shower

Slept 4 hours a day

Grateful that I got a capable wife, smart kid, supporting parents and great helper.

Grateful that I got full of energy and healthy now

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Success journal 229

FFA 10

Connect with Jayden , went to the playground with him

Took videos and to be edited.

Setup printer for Jenny

Had greens for dinner

Brought my cheese to work

Bought work

Took cold shower

Read my intention card

Took over our Greenfield property

Passive income went in.

Called mum

Messaged dad

Still breathing

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Success journal 228


Took cold shower

Spent time with Jayden in the pool, rain

Connect with Jenny

Learned more about video editing

Connect with Michelle.

Rebounding with Jayden

Had salad for dinner

Brought almond to work

Called my parents

Took videos of Jayden

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Success journal 227


Spent time with Michelle, Jayden and Jenny

Connect with Loi

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Success journal 226


Spent time and connect with Jenny. Listened to her needs and concerns

Connect with Jayden, did rebounding with him

Took cold shower

Read my wealth declaration

Brought salad to work

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Success Journal 225


Took a shower

Showed Jayden some discipline

Supported Jenny

Connect with her

Sleep early

Success journal 224


Spent time with my family

Connect with my parents and learned more about them

Cutting down our outing expenses in kk

Made some videos for the trip

Share some of the personal stories with them.