Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 FFA 0 

Apple cider vinegar 

Lemon water 

Spend quality time with Jenny 


Breathing exercise for relaxation and peace 

Connect with Daniel

Connect with parents 

Read paper in the morning 

Did not react to my stock holding 

Continue my property rental income 

Passive income 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hair loss and catch ups

Since I last blogged, as work took up quite a lot of my time recently. Although I do get a pay cut(forced leave), one force leaves every week. All my annual leave for 2020 has been used up in August. I am currently on 15% pay cut.

Get to catch up with Daniel oh from Switzerland, he brought some chocolates for me and I loved it. Especially during the circuit breaker period. 

I also caught up with Nick in AMK Hub for dinner recently.

Today I woke up around 0830am and had breakfast, relax and went for lunch in United square. We wanted to bring Jayden to Playground. But then, someone is fogging nearby hence we left for an early lunch. 

After lunch, I went for a haircut in Square 2 and found my hair loss issue. It is quite daunting to face this as I think in 10 years time, I will look very very old.