Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Success journal 1028: airtag for me

Jenny bought an airtag for me . Hahahaha 🤣

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Success journal 1027: Supportive family

I am grateful, Jenny is very supportive. Bringing up the kids 
Updating me their development

And her mindset is very important.

My career is a bit challenging. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Success journal 1026: Bus stop routine

Sometimes, Jenny will bring JJ to follow me to the bus stop. 

Along the journey, we will hang out in the Thomson Road playground. Today, I played seesaw with JJ. There are so many things I cannot make it with JJ. I miss this moment. 

JJ was riding his balancing bike, and he gets to be very familiar with his bicycle now. He bumps into the kerb. 

I am grateful I get to share some of these moments with my family during this challenging time. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Success journal 1025: Stable emotion

Being emotionally stable is one of my traits.

Despite all the hoo-ha, I continue to contribute to the family and work

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Success journal 1024: exhausted

After work, while I am travelling back home. I feel like going to another discharge my role as a dad. Changing hats 

The space I have in a bus is the transition. 

From a toxic environment to a positive 1. 

Success journal 1023: How Jenny and I got together and now have two kids together

I believe I got a post somewhere ten years++ back. Just writing down how we got connected to refresh my memory 

I went to an event, an expo. I met her there. I don't think I got her number, but I did get her name and stuff. I wrote her as Miss J

After the event, we decided to hang out and eat in Clark Quay. We went for a drink together 

And I remember she said ( very close to me)I will fly back to celebrate your birthday. 😍 

To be continue 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Success journal 1022: Consistency is key

Doing the same time and expecting different results. 

Believe the protocol 

Repetition to be better 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
Invest the different 
Efficient with time

Friday, August 16, 2024

Success journal 1021: family time, focus on what is important, 1st thing 1st

Focus on what is important . 

So no to those unimportant stuff 

Success journal 1020: investment, work and twin engine

Glad that some of my investment is working out. I tell you that the investment I make the most money in is when I leave it untouched. 


I look forward to my 7 figure portfolio in 10 years. 

Been working OT recently. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Success journal 1019: I am grateful

My family has been supportive and loving. 
Jenny has been a great one. Grateful 

I am truly grateful

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Success Journal 1018: Yoshi, calm before storm

Kamin and Christ picked up Yoshi last night, and with heavy hearts, we passed Yoshi back. 

It is essential to be a great conversationalist. To make people feel comfortable 

Loose is the word- when it comes to handling my PRO

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Success journal 1017: Hanging there

The world is my Oyster 

Be resourceful 

Get help, as much as we can 

Be stronger 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Success Journal 1016: Mr Yoshi pet

Kamin passed us their pet Dog, Yoshi

The whole family is very excited about it 

Brought them out for a walk at night and connected with neighbours.  

Seems like the stigma is broken with Yoshi around.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Success Journal 1015: Race to the bottom?

Last week, the market had some reaction. 

I am grateful I am using CDP to invest. Less noise, less distractions 

I am listening to Howard marks podcast 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Success journal 1014: soldier it through

People go up and down in life 

I am the pillar for my family; sometimes, they may not be aware of it. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Success Journal 1013: Tough life

It is never easy; don't settle for less. 
Push stronger. 

The last few days have been very stretched from all directions. My two kids, my wife, my work. I have to put up a boundary. Cannot afford to be stretched 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Success journal 1012: Friday night with family

Jenny brought the whole family to amk to have dinner with me.  

Very grateful 

I did overeat. Luckily Jenny just ordered not too much hehe

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Success journal 1011: Relying on me

My family needs me. More than ever. 

Stay strong! 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time

Success journal 1010: Losing gripat work

Seems like things are falling apart at work. 

People are leaving the company 

Toxic culture 

Demanding management