Sunday, May 9, 2010

Revision Period

It's my last revision period for exams in my University as a student. To be able to success in my civil engineering life in the future depends greatly on this revision period. I am prepared, for this final exam. Come on!

I called my mom today; she is in a tour bus in Taiwan.

She is enjoying her life travelling as much as I do; perhaps I inherited this behaviour from her. Hope she had fun in Taiwan.

Ok, it's time for me to get back to my revision period.

Happy mother's day!

Love Jason.

By the way, while I was going to be busy with my revision, I sketched some drawings.




  1. I never know that you can draw. Perhaps that's the power of love. Lol.

  2. Power of love...
    Like that you also can link a,
    but cannot doubt it lar. haha

  3. both of them r v good sketch jason
