Thursday, December 25, 2014

Xmas 2014

Miss J left singapore for hong kong on Christmas eve morning and I went to a full day work that day.
After work,  I then went to bernard's  place. I met a few new friends karmen (whom is a guy),  su may  and shinq lei. They are friends' of Bernard Hu.

After saying hellos in his condo. We then went up to the attic where the bbq  pit is.

Karmen started the fire and we then started to chill and wind down. Had a few cans of beer which Bernard bought for us

After a while,  we got anthony and ccy over followed by jianyang  and ken. By then our xmas dinner becomes a full fledge engineering gathering.

It was indeed an awesome night. We went back home about 2 am in the morning.

Although I will be spending me-time on Christmas day but I am very grateful with what I had for my Christmas in 2014.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Short kk trip

I went back kk for a short break and also a quick catch up with my family. Managed to do a few things before leaving kk.

■check the wedding venue
■reopen my may bank account and Internet banking
■fix my wisdom tooth
■update my passport
■have dinners with families
■to bring jenny around kk city,  kundasang, properties and also island in.
■to introduce my childhood playgrounds to jenny.

There are a few things to take note in this trip.

Pre plan my trip and allow buffer in between.
Book in advance for all the major activities.
Bring bugs repellent and sun block while in sabah.
People are happy when they receive presents.
Sometimes even our closest family may overlooked our needs or feelings. Communicate consistently with them.
Focus on our goal and be result orientated. No excuses,  when shit happens, people will find thousands of excuses to get their self out. We are here to make it happen.
Family issues are not as straight forward. We must be clear with our path and where family direction is heading.look 5 years in advance.  In the event that the direction is incorrect. Highlight immediately.
If you are running out of time to deliver good result, please ensure the stakeholders are aware of these. Delivering poor result due to poor time management will not be tolerated. People will perceive you as a person with no qualities.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Changing Job-a major transition. December Goals

Just a quick wrap up with my November from my To do list on November. 
  1. Health
    1. Due to Miss J Skin Irritation, we swim less in our pool. We went to Zumba on Sunday, training session on weekdays. We also mentioned to have all our gym session on weekdays, so that we got more time for ourselves on weekends.
    2. We cook more often at home, and eat out less often nowadays. We only eat out when there is a social event or friends from far here. 
    3. Went for a badminton session organised by CCY.
    4. I need to cut down my protein intake. 

  1. Myself
    1. Decided to proceed with my PR application. 
    2. I tendered my resignation letter in Boustead Project, this will mark an end in my 3 years work in Boustead Projects. It is a great company to work with, especially we got good bosses. 
    3. I will be starting my new job with a Japanese Company Tai Sei around 15/12/2014. Start looking forward to it. 
    4. We settled our 5 years plan. There are some key details to be listed down and to hang on it.
    5. We also need to work on the timeline of getting married and also having kids
    6. Book of the Month- Jim Rogers- Street smarts. 
  2. Finance/Investment
    1. To start monitor properties in Mandaluyong, rental market, bank loans, interest rates and tenures. Miss J will be flying over to Philippines mid-December to see some of the places in Mandaluyong Philippines. At least to get a feel of the area, and who we will be renting to.
    2. To start monitoring oil related companies, due to huge drop in oil prices
    3. To start monitoring properties in Southbank, Melbourne Australia. Low capital gain, but consistent rental yield. 
    4. I have met a relationship manager in Standard Chartered who stayed in Southbank when she was studying in Melbourne. I had a long chat with her about the places and how she thinks about the place. She mentioned that people prefer to live further away from school/university as a place in Southbank is a just nice distance away from Melbourne University.
  1. Career
    1. Spend 5 minutes to write down to a do list for every day, and priorities them. 
    2. I am changing job for better prospect 
  1. Relationship
    1. Wedding plan
      1. Prepare a budget sheet for wedding by end of 2014
      2. Work out the timing also. 
      3. Planning for a ceremony in Hong Kong. 
      4. Constantly discuss with Jenny about the wedding ceremony in Hong Kong.
  1. Family
    1. To discuss more about moving to somewhere else. So far we got Singapore and Australia on the list. I guess we have already make up our mind to go Australia already. :) 
    2. We also discussed about property investment together and also how the business will be handed over soon. 
    3. Planning for another trip back to KK to bond with my family and do catch up with some of the outstanding items in KK. I have already drafted a long list to settle before I start my long hours work with a Japanese company on 15/12/2014. 
  1. Business
    1. To search for Dell laptop at around $249 by end of October. Postponed to end of 2014, as a Christmas Present
    2. Went for a meet up session with Anthony and also Bernard Hu
  1. Travel
    1. I have got parents air-ticket sorted out. This coming New year, we will be going to Perth. As this will be a direct flight from Kota Kinabalu and will be easier for them.
    2. We have also started a travel fund together. So both of us will be contributing to the travel fund together.