Monday, September 30, 2019

Success journal 388


Connect with Jenny, massage her and assist her with her presentation

Connect with Jayden

Take cold shower

Drink lemon water

 Share my vision and intention

Browse properties

Share my investment knowledge with Jenny

Read Tony yap book

Listen to his podcast

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Success journal 387


Listen to Tony Robbins

Feed my mind

Connect with Jenny

Eat salad and fast for 20hrs++

Connect with Jayden at night

Read Tony yap book

Keep trying and failing

Friday, September 27, 2019

Success journal 386


Connect with Jenny and share my problem with her

Did wrong in communication

Fast for 20hrs

Listen to Tony Robbins podcast start proving what I can do

Start to give to others more

Take out my success journal
Attended Tony Robbins course
Married the person I love
Have a great family
To be discipline to go through tough time
Attend Harry Teo class

Connect with Shaun and parents

Connect with mum and dad

Shared my problem with Jenny

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Success journal 385


Connect with parents

Connect with Jenny over the phone and listen to her story

The best way to get love is to give it

Listen to Tony Robbins podcast

Fast for 20hrs

Take cold shower

Read a book for Jayden in the morning hug and kiss him

Eat vegetables and roast chicken

Drink lemon water

My brain is awesome!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Success journal 384


Connect with mum over the phone

Listen to her

Drink lemon water

Listen to Anthony Robbins podcast

Take cold shower

Drink apple cider vinegar

Eat salad and roast chicken

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Success journal 383


Connect with Jenny over the phone and listen to her story

Connect with oswien, Tony yap student

Attended a property class by Tony yap

Connect with my brother over Tony yap seminar, listen carefully to his needs.

Read a story to Jayden in the morning hug him and read intention card

Fasted for 20hrs , drink lemon water and drink apple cider vinegar.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Success journal 382


Connect with Jenny at night, walked the neighbourhood and feed the dog

Take cold shower

Drink lemon water and apple cider vinegar

Connect with Shaun over the weekend

Listen to podcast

Read to Jayden in the morning and read intention card for him.

Eat a bowl of salad

Listen to my body

Fasted for 20hrs++

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Success journal 381


Things happen for me

Listen to Tony Robbins

Massage Jenny, connect with her and walk to the bus stop with her. Listen to her story

Fasted for 20hrs

Drink lemon water

Drink apple cider vinegar

Take cold shower

Take sufficient rest

Goal setting weekly, clear specific goal with plan on it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Success journal 380


Connect with Jenny in the morning
Listen to her needs
And her story from work

Listen to Tony Robbins

Fasted for 20hrs

Connect with Willie and connect with him as friend

Drink lemon water

Drink lemon water

Take cold shower

Take a good rest

Read 2 books for Jayden

Monday, September 16, 2019

Success journal 379


Connect with Jayden and Jenny over the weekend. Took Jayden to gathering with friends and dim sum

Connect with Jenny

Listen to podcast

Hold my stocks and did not react to it

Took cold shower

Change my conversation style in English 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Success journal 378


Connect with Jenny and Jayden, did lantern walk, eat jaydens mooncake

Drink lemon water

Eat salad

Take cold shower

Massage Jenny

Walk with her with full concentration

Connect with mum and dad

Listen to podcast

Stick to a good routine

Have a strong mental health

Get paid by value not time.

Improve my memory.

I mean business

Be confident

Add value to the team

Friday, September 13, 2019

Success journal 377


Connect with Jenny during my dinner, listen to her

Fasted for 40hrs ++

Listen to Tony Robbins

Connect with Jayden in the morning
Read a book and intention card with Jayden

Drink lemon water

Take cold shower

Get enough rest

Connect with old colleagues over dinner

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Success journal 376


Fasted for 36hrs

Connect with Jenny and Jayden in the morning

Listen to Jenny and read with Jayden

Take salt water

To arrange a meet up with Willie

I got confirmed. :)

Listen to podcast

Take cold shower

Drink lemon water

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Success journal 375


Connect with Jenny over the phone

Hug Jayden in the morning

😘 Jayden

Listen to podcast

Take cold shower

Did intermittent fasting 20hrs++

Booked my flight to KL.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Success journal 374


Read a book with Jayden

Connect with Jenny over the phone

Connect with Mr Lee.

Passed one mooncake to him and Mr lim our landlord

Intermittent fasting

Connect with colleagues

Listen to podcast

Drink lemon water

Monday, September 9, 2019

Success journal 373

FFA 0.1

Connect to Jenny at night and helped her with her hard disk

Listen to podcast

Connect with my parents

Connect with lowsai

Eat salad

Listen to podcast

Swim with Jayden

Brought him to the park and also gardens by the bay.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Success journal 372


Stay out of my comfort zone

Shared my difficulties with Kenny

Listen to my body

Take cold shower

Intermittent fasting for 24 hrs

Listen to Tony Robbins

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Success journal 371

Connect with Jenny, walk with her to the bus stop and listen to her story

Read books to Jayden, and read intention card to him.

Grateful to have a great helper

Grateful to have a supportive brother

Thankful for a great family supportive

Listen to Tony Robbins

Connect with Willie

Connect with Aung

Sold lasers and light oncarousell

Change our mindset to get things done

Drink lemon water

Understanding life condition match equal to your story and your belief.

Take cold shower

Rest well

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Success journal 370


Connect with Jayden, read a book for him and kiss him prior to work
Stretch with him in the morning

Connect with Jenny after work

Listen to her story and listen to her needs

Drink lemon water

Intermittent fast for 23hrs

Read intention card with Jayden

Take cold shower

Read my wealth declaration

Tony Robbins how to master my emotions

Change my expectation

Change my communication

Clarify my wants

Change my perception

Change the procedure

Change the timing

Appreaciate the message

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Success journal 369


Connect with loi

Connect with Jenny and listen to her stories

Read books and do flash cards with Jayden

Drink lemon water

Fasted for 20hrs ++

Listen to Tony Robbins podcast

Connect with dad and mum on the phone

Monday, September 2, 2019

Success journal 368


Brought Jayden to Jacob ballas for an outing

Connect with Shannon

Take cold shower

Plan my trip

Connect with lowsai for trip

Connect with Kenny

Celebrated ted birthday and connect with friends

Continued my fasting

Read intention card

Listen to Tony Robbins podcast

Massage Jenny and listen to her needs. She got concerns in getting pregnant

Protect my time, said no to time waster

Booked my Japan trip for the family

Sorted out my financially with Jenny

Power of Grind! By Tony Robbins
The power of anticipation

Constant strategic innovation

Innovation- find a way to meet people needs and add more value. Meet a needs in a new way to get raving fan clients.

Marketing -

Sales people is critical.

Constant anticipation



How many of you specific days to go through on your financials

Treasure for your business