Monday, September 2, 2019

Success journal 368


Brought Jayden to Jacob ballas for an outing

Connect with Shannon

Take cold shower

Plan my trip

Connect with lowsai for trip

Connect with Kenny

Celebrated ted birthday and connect with friends

Continued my fasting

Read intention card

Listen to Tony Robbins podcast

Massage Jenny and listen to her needs. She got concerns in getting pregnant

Protect my time, said no to time waster

Booked my Japan trip for the family

Sorted out my financially with Jenny

Power of Grind! By Tony Robbins
The power of anticipation

Constant strategic innovation

Innovation- find a way to meet people needs and add more value. Meet a needs in a new way to get raving fan clients.

Marketing -

Sales people is critical.

Constant anticipation



How many of you specific days to go through on your financials

Treasure for your business

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