Sunday, November 20, 2022

Success journal 629: Finally a weekend

After pushing to work for the 1st half of the month through the weekend, I finally got a break. 

Woke up around 1830hrs as usual and went to Ikea with the family to look for furniture. We had a beautiful lunch in the cafe. Sitting down and enjoying our family time. 

After that, we went home, and I continued my japan trip booking. 

Had a light dinner with the family at home and headed out to raffles city around 7 pm for JY's birthday. We chilled until late at night. 

I brought Jayden to his rugby, together with Jacob. 

After rugby. I brought him to the Pokemon centre, and I bought myself and Jayden a drink 

We went home for a swim; I brought Jacob to have fun and went to the water too. We then go for a quick lunch, and I took a nap. After a short nap, I started my Japan booking 

After booking our accommodation, we took a taxi to Siloso beach to meet up with lilac and their family. 

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