Thursday, February 23, 2023

Success journal 663: connecting with family

Left work around 2 pm 
Bought some bread for the family. 
Attending an online course 

Pick up Jayden from Muay Thai Class. I was a bit lost, but I managed to find the Academy. 

Brought Jayden to play Pokemon go. Ole 

After my course was completed, I went back home for dinner. 

Right after dinner, Jenny said to bring Jayden to play Pokemon go in United square as a reward for his performance in a rugby competition in KL. 2 tries and multiple tackles. 

He played for about $8 and collected four discs of new characters. 

We then went to Ah Chew dessert for tong sui. I ordered black sesame paste as usual. Ah chew is Moving away from Novena in March. 

After our dessert, Jenny rushed back home for her night call. 8 pm to 10 pm, which I find rather annoying now. 

At least I get to spend dinner with my family. 

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