I am saturated with studies!!,
My brother is going to study in Brisbane, haha.. i am glad he made up his mind, and he is going to do an aviation engineering. And he is leaving this june..He could definitely would be better if he is exposed to this Uni life earlier..
my relationship with my younger brother was build totally on Games and Sports, but mostly gaming!! As i start playing computer games when i am form 2(14).i would bring my brother to cc as well. and he was just 10.. he is one of the youngest player in the whole cc,imagine that his foot could not reach the floor when he is sitting on the chairs.and he could shoot down guys that are twice his age that time. haha.. what a "good" brother i am.. but anyway, he is so talented in this gaming field. And i am so proud of this about him.. haha..
Too bad, gaming is just not recognize field in this time.. Maybe one day, games would be one of the event in Olympics. What if.. i am still young.. will i still play games? Too bad.. life is getting tougher nowadays and i could not play games seriously anymore..
I know this post looks naive, but i want to tell you guys that i do enjoy that period when i play games with my friends back in KK. and i think that we have no time for that anymore. We had alot of laughter, arguements, long last memories.
Wasting time is "Good" as Wasting Money!!