Saturday, October 23, 2010
an autumnal weekend
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Football week
Just before the match, we would get some cooking ingredients from the store and started to cook at home. Because I always placed my bets against England, I prefer to watch at home; avoid any unnecessary complexity.
I really enjoy the entire process apart from the heat wave; the soaring heat in Nottingham is far worse than the outdoor in Malaysia. Watching football together, cheering for the team, getting tipsy with a few bottles of cider and also breathing in 2nd hand marijuana smoke from a teacher who lives beside Tristan’s place is rather enticing.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Passport renewal in London
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hair Salon Experience
Thursday, June 17, 2010
End of my exam period 2010
Today is the last day of my spring semester; there are mix feelings inside me. There are ups & downs, I would say up is because I don't need to remember any past paper anymore; down is because I am approaching the end of my student life. This would be a pleasurable moment to me, spending time on my own, doing stuff I really enjoy myself guilt free (travelling, badminton & dim sum).
I am also writing my dissertation at the moment, which will have to submit by the end of August 2010, so during this period, I will spend quite a number of time reading articles and to be as 'literate' as possible. Besides writing my dissertation, this period will be a transition period for me, from eighteen years of experience in student's life to a newbie worker's life. Like a cocoon period of a caterpillar to a Moth.
Compare to people at my age, I had a very late start, I am 25 years now, and I am just about to be an MSc fresh graduate. Perhaps, people around me, they would have earned a fortune or maybe a PHD title by now.
Without thinking too much, I will firstly concentrate on my dissertation in this coming two months and start job hunting as soon as possible.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Facebook Life
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in Facebooking. This post will focus on how Facebook enhanced my real life. As a Facebook user for more than 2 years, perhaps this tool has become one of the necessities of my life. I would say, most of the internet users' life.
The features in Facebook that will be addressed in this post are:
- Photo album
- Status
- Walls
- Photo AlbumIn real life, there is quite a lot of moment that we wish to treasure for the rest of our life; All these images are now stored in Facebook photo album and could be shared among our friends. Looking back all my photo albums, I found happy moments, sad and beautiful moment which are all chronologically arranged. Facebook has become a diary of me. The best part in this photo album is that we are connected with the people inside the picture within a few mouse clicks away. Although some of them are strangers especially those people we met in one-off occasions, and after that occasion we might not be able to meet again for the rest of our life. But hey, isn't this amazing? Sometimes it's the stranger that will cheer us up at that particular instant of time. Agree?
- StatusThis is where I stay connected with people I know, close to every millisecond. I would sometimes keep on pressing the refresh buttons in my browser to force people's status into my news feed. By reading the status of one person, I could probably guess how he/she is doing at the moment. What is inside their mind, and how is their life at the current state. Sometimes, I think writing our own status could help me to be more relieved with what's inside my mind; people will do silly stuff once in a while and may want to shout to be heard, but wait! Who doesn't??
- WallsI love walls; it's one of the best features that I utterly enjoyed in FB. There is this open & direct relationship with the people whom I write on. The best thing about walls is that they are readable by all my friends, unless I am being cursed. When I write something on people's wall, it's like how I say something to them in real life; how I occupied a small space of a big wall of him/her to write on. This is how I make my own impressions on people's perspective. By reading people's wall, I could generally get a feeling of this person in real life. Overall, these walls will eventually make me to approach more people and over time, I will understand how people stay connected with others and to maintain their relationship.
As a conclusion, Facebook has not only become the diary of my life, but also as an easy way to keep in touch with friends and probably family (Evil Smile*). Love it or hate it. Facebook will probably be this one book that I will have to carry for the rest of my life.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Church life-Nottingham
After one year, drifted away from god, I am now got back to my church's life in Nottingham.
Praise the lord. Amen.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Revision Period
It's my last revision period for exams in my University as a student. To be able to success in my civil engineering life in the future depends greatly on this revision period. I am prepared, for this final exam. Come on!
I called my mom today; she is in a tour bus in Taiwan.
She is enjoying her life travelling as much as I do; perhaps I inherited this behaviour from her. Hope she had fun in Taiwan.
Ok, it's time for me to get back to my revision period.
Happy mother's day!
Love Jason.
By the way, while I was going to be busy with my revision, I sketched some drawings.
Friday, May 7, 2010
One small step at a time
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The gap between Malay and Chinese-Created by the British
During British colonial rule, Malays were given certain privileges over their non-Malay counterparts. When Malaysia declared independence in 1957, its constitution contained a provision called Article 153 which provides special rights for the Malay. When Malaya merged with Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah, the constitution retained the article 153 which was first drafted 1957.
Due to a dispute over the special rights of Malays, Singapore was separated from the federation in 1965. During that period, Most of the Chinese were literally flushed out from Malaysia to Singapore indirectly.
Malays were given special rights by the British at the beginning of Malaysia independence. Why?
Before the independence of Malaysia 1957, British learned a lesson in Hong Kong, they fear communist (Chinese) will invade Malaysia or any other region in the SE Asia. Therefore they granted the Malays special rights, they make sure that the Malays have the most power in Malaysia before British will grant Malaysia independence. Apart from that, during the independence of Singapore in 1965, the British did not turn over internal security to the local government as the British felt that the local authority in Singapore is not doing enough to counter the treats of the communist insurgency
It can thus be suggested that the gap between Malay and Chinese in Malaysia nowadays is simply just a side effect due to the fear of threats from the communist in the early 1950s which implemented by the British
Ooi, J. (2005, November 11). Malaysian New Economic Policy. Retrieved May 2010, 3, from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia. (2010, May 4). 1950's in Singapore. Retrieved may 4, 2010, from Wikipedia:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Summary of my Easter Break
- To do my revision,
- To write a 3000 dissertation proposal,
- To travel around South England,
- To love.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010
Interview Practical
- handshake & touch arm
- smile
- personable
- honest
- lucid speech
- eye contact
- confident
- puts himself forward
- too much 'yeah yeah yeah'
- good use of experience
- don't touch elbow