Monday, April 28, 2014

21KM Run for tomorrow 350

After my long awaiting 21km run, it was here yesterday.

I woke up at 4am, prepared and took a cab heading to FI pit building. The starting point of the 21km run. Despite sleeping at 12 midnight and woke up at 4am. I don't feel tired. Probably I am rather too excited. This would be my first 21 km run.

upon reaching F1 pit building, I could see a lot of people there preparing themselves for the run. It was rather crowded. After waited for a while, the moment before we are about to start running, There goes an announcement by the organiser saying that there is a category one rain and lightning at Nicole Highway, and is heading towards us.  I found a place for myself at a tent and waited there with all my gears on. Waiting for the next announcement with is due at 15 minutes time. Although I feel agitated, however, looking at the heavy rain out side. I somehow felt good that the organiser didn't let us run. If we would have started to run, I would have become all wet. just a few minutes after the run started.

We all waited for another 15 minutes and the next announcement was that the organiser decided to call off the 21km run. However, the organiser will distribute all the entitlement to us. I immediately texted Chai Ann that the organiser had decided to cancel the 21km run due to weather conditions, they even sent us a text.

Chai ann reached about 630 and I joined her and her colleagues for the 10km run instead. Since I have already travelled so far, might as well just run for fun with them. there was this surprise guest this time, Sinyee is joining us too, she brought us some bananas too.

After a quick chat, the race started at 7am. I ran for about one and a half hours. While fast walked with Chai ann at the beginning of the race. I guess, the cancellation of my 21km made this 10km run more like a social run now. After completed the 10km run, we then took some pictures with our medals and also my finisher Tshirt. We then went to Macdonalds in Raffles city for Breakfast with Chai ann's friends.

They got William, Nana, Bonnie, Sin Yee, Chai ann, carlo and some new friends joining us for breakfast.

After our breakfast, I then went back novena to wait for Miss J at the Gym as she was attending the Zumba Class. It looks rather fun. While I was waiting for her, I surfed the net, lift some weight and etc. I guess in between, I was rather amused to just look into the classroom. They were all very motivated and really enjoying themselves while doing zumba. I would probably consider to join them one day.

After our gym session, we then went back home and had some light bites. I had shower and a short nap.

We then walked to the flower supplier at thomson road, bought some flowers home and Jenny started to cut some.

While Jenny was cutting flowers, I was preparing ourselves mushroom spaghetti,

Did laundry, read some news, drink a few cups of tea and then went to bed.

It was rather another relaxing Sunday, despite my work is at my peak. This would be my ideal Sunday.

Happy man!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter weekend 2014 in Malacca

Early Friday, we packed our luggage and headed to key point, a place where our bus to Malacca departs, we took a taxi around 8 o clock and reach Keypoint around 830. We then had typical Singapore breakfast there, Kaya toast, eggs and tea. Which I have been having and is partly one of the reason of my weight gaining recently. After our  breakfast, we set off from Keypoint around 930. Upon departure only I knew we reached keypoint an hour earlier. I should check the departure time next time as Miss J always want extra time before departure. 

After a long journey on bus, we reached Malacca around 5pm, we had a quick meal at Macdonalds and head to Hatten Hotel via taxi. The taxi ride cost us about RM20.00. After reaching Hatten hotel, we were being ushered to a premium lounge. At that point of time, I am in a puzzled state, didn't know what I have signed up. We got light refreshment while we checked in. It wasn't great but at least I feel pampered. 

After checking in, we start our journey to Jonker Street, a Chinese night market, where stalls stretches for Kilometres. It was a pleasant night. We had peranakan at Eleven Cafe, and some beer before we call it a night. 

Day Two, we woke up around 9++ and went to the sky lounge for breakfast, the buffet was rather localised. We got nasi lemak, dim sum and some english breakfast. It was awkward, or I would put it a waste of calories intake in Malacca, as there are so many beautiful delicacy which we could try later on. Without any hesitant, we then proceed with a day Tour in Malacca, we started off with the river cruise to understand more about the culture. We then had a coffee by the river, which was rather relaxing. 

We also went to a chicken rice shop for lunch, the drumstick was good but rather expensive. We then found out the place was a rip off for tourist. 

After that, we went to one of the antiques shops in jonker street, we were shown a few pieces of porcelain from at least 100 hundreds years ago. We learned abit more about the history of Malacca and how porcelain would end up in Malacca. We then got ourselves tickets to one of the Museums in Jonker street, we learned more about Baba Nyonya. It seems that the information I was given when I was young was rather misleading. It would be best to learn it ourselves. 

After that, due to the hot weather, we decided to go Geographer Cafe for a quick Sip, I had lime Juice, while Miss J had Espirit Passion. She also mentioned that "I likes my drinks and my boyfriend", I was rather happy to hear that. 

After a short learning session at the museum, we then walked towards Jonker street 88, where is famous for its Kahwin Laksa and also Ice Cendols, it was around 4pm and the queue was shorter. In fact, there wasn't any queue at all. We managed to just walked in, grab ourselves a good sit, and laksa almost instantaneous. Miss J liked the Laksa, while I enjoyed the Chendols. I am glad to see Miss J enjoying herself in one of the small town in Malaysia. Somehow, I could imagine one day we could just spend days here. 

After briefly filled ourselves with Laksa at Jonker street 88, we then moved to Nancy, which reopens at 430pm. When we reached around 425pm, it has a long queue already. We were lucky to be able to go in at the first round. We ordered Duck, Pork and also top hat. It was awesome. Definitely worth going back the second round, Bernard did recommend this place to me. 

After Nancy's Kitchen, we then stroll around Jonker street and head back to Parkson for a quick shopping. We went to Mahkota parade and did our shopping for our new place. Things are relatively cheaper in Melaka. No wonder Singaporean like to come Malaysia. 

After that, we then went back to Hotel, showered, made ourselves some tea, read some books and discuss about plans for the future. It was rather like a heart to heart talk, and also some review of our own character for the past and how to do it better in the future. I am glad that we started of something together and got a common objective now. 

After cups of tea, long chat and a few chapters, I then call it a night. 

Day 3: This will be our last day in Malacca, woke up around 8 o clock and packed our stuff, we then went for the unworthy breakfast as it is free just to fill up our stomach. After our breakfast, we then went back to our room and prepare for our journey back to Singapore. Upon checking out, we then go to the nearest shopping mall to do our final purchase. E.g. Chewing gums, body lotion etc. 

We hopped on our bus around 230pm and reached Singapore Lavender Station around 730pm. 

It was a pleasant trip and looking forward to another one soon. 

Monday, April 14, 2014


My mum mentioned about coming to Singapore in May for a quick trip to see his beloved son. I was so excited and immediately offered all the expenses covered so that I could spend more time with her.

As usual, over the phone we discussed about family matters, her work, her life and how she spent her free time. We also mentioned about future plans and how we should start planning already. It seems that she has a lot to do nowadays. She also mentioned about her health too. I guess she should take a good break befo

It is rather enjoyable to catch up with parents once in awhile. Some how, they understand my situation, listen to my brag and give me advice. I Learn new things, new gossip of the week, things that are happening in Kota Kinabalu. Speaking over the phone with her, had let me envisage images from KK over my head. Although I am still at work and it was pitch dark and while the conversation with my mum took place. I do feel that I was back in KK for a little while, contemplating things I can do, and things I can't do there, how my life would be. 

Although it wasn't solid, I am sure it would definitely be a slower pace. I would have more time doing things I like and want in life. I might not earn more, achieve more, learn more than what I did in Singapore, but I would definitely be happier, at least parents are around me.

Social Sunday 13/4/2014

I started my Sunday before 8, probably that is the time I normally get up for work. For this Sunday, it was a day which I host a gathering for some of our secondary school mates in East ocean. 

Before heading for our brunch at Ngee Ann city Tower A, East ocean, I took a cab to Lucky Plaza. There are a lot of domestic helpers from Philippines remitting money back to their country. Putting myself in a queue with over 99 % of them are female domestic helpers, I feel overwhelmed and somehow blend in. 

After settling some issue there, I then walked towards Ngee Ann city which is opposite lucky plaza. We were running late, it was about 1126 when were still opposite Ngee Ann. However, despite arriving there on time. I somehow is the first one to reach the restaurant, I then quickly register myself with the lady at the counter and started calling my friends. 
For this occasion, instead of just 12, we got more people than what I have booked for. We got Teo, Joann, Foh, Joy, Aik Pin, Kally, Lun, Read, How Wei Yang, Joseph, Karen, Shannon, Zoey, Jenny and I. A total of about 15 of us. There is some minor communication breakdown at the beginning but things are sorted very quickly and we are much more settled within minutes. 

After our meal, we went to walk around Ngee Ann, get a birthday present for Noah and a dozen of Crispy Kreme. I always feel excited to buy fatty food in bulk. They just make me feel awesome. 

After getting both, we then went to east coat park, pit 33 near carpark D2. The weather was good, windy and not sunny at all. When I was approaching the pit, I saw balloons tied on the tables and kids wandering around the tables and food on the tables. Said hello to Damien and Doreen, father of Noah and passed them the food and also present to Noah. We then meet a few more new friends and chat around. We ended our party around 630. and we then decided to have a meal with Angela's Parents and Suzie's Family in Imperial treasure at Great world City. 

Despite feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I am feeling happy to be able to meet up with new friends and catch up with some good old friends. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

How I survived my day with just a one way trip to work

It started of when I was approaching my gym place without the membership card, I smiled with the lady at the desk, said hello with confident and walked pass the counter. I feel good, I then tried to try my luck with the towel collection. Although I didn't manage to get the towel smoothly, I then have to talk to the lady behind the desk that there is no towel card at the counter. After a short while, she then passed me the towel.

After my gym session, I then took out my MRT card and tapped on it, I notice that my card had about 3.30 cents. The trip cost me about SGD 1.44. So my cash card left about SGD 2

 It wasn't a comfortable feeling for not having any money or cash card with me. But I guess these will be the feeling I will be going through when there will be a recession and that is the whole exercise is about. Learning how to be lean.

I have got all my breakfast and lunch included at work. So no money spent at work.

At the end of the day, in aljunied MRT station, I walked to the counter and told the lady that I have lost my wallet, she asked me my name and let me pass.

By the time I reached home, I got a wonderful banana rolls waiting for me as my dinner.

End of Day.

Total spending for the day, SGD 1.44

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thoughts worth taken

After having a good chat with Victor last night, I looked back at my goal for last year, I have concluded that there are a few things which I would like to pursue for the rest of life. The good things about making goals and achieving them are we could also identify things we like and things we don't after we took actions towards our goals. I always emphasize this to people around us. Without dreams and actions, we are just as good as salted fish. 

Why I need to list them down, this is to constantly remind me of things I have done and what I would like to achieve in the next 5-10 years. I understand there might be quite a few of goals or mini goals in my blog, I believe we are constantly growing and changing in taste. I have achieved some and I have also dropped some. Somehow, some goals are easy to achieve and some are just not worth doing it, and some are not worth maintaining it. E.g. Having a glass window facing upwards from my bedroom is not my goal any more. This is due to the constant noise from the rain after experiencing it myself. 

My To do lists are ever changing and goals too. 
So my first questions to my self for this Saturday is to talk about things I enjoy doing:
  1. Badminton with good friends. 
  2. Invest in stock market
  3. Invest in rental properties
  4. Invest in simple business
  5. Invest time with good friends
  6. Invest time in good books
  7. Invest time with good mentor. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

End of march- Review

It wasn't long after I started to have a plan for small goal for March, now I  would like to review things that I have done for the past one month. It was really an interesting one, and the more I monitor my progress, the more things I found I am lacking. Perhaps, the thinking process and critical thinking are both lacking in me. Before I start reviewing this month, I would like to list down things I had written down last month.

  1. Got my April holiday up to Melaka 
  2. Understand more about affiliate marketing. I started up a website for my dad. Here is the website which is still under construction, but do feel free to wonder round
  3. Re-read 4 hours work week. 
  4. Know more about properties in Mekati, attended property guru road show in orchard hotel, and managed to speak to a pinoy who also bought an unit in Greenfield twin oak place, a future ready home near mekati. I also managed to met 
  5. Moved to a new place in chancery lane. 
I guess, before the start of April, I would also like to list down things I would like to do for the coming Month. 

  1. Catch up with Cedric this coming Friday 4/4/2014
  2. Gathering with Nottingham mates on 5/4/2014
  3. To date Jenny in Amara hotel on the 6/4/2014
  4. Going to Doreen's son for his first birthday 13/4/2014
  5. Dimsum with secondary mates on 13/4/2014
  6. Going to Melaka this coming 18/4/2014
  7. Will be doing a 21 km run on 27/4/2014
What are the small goals which I would like to achieve this coming April 2014. 

  1. Change my diet- Eat less carbohydrates, no more soda, half the portion during dinner. 
  2. Put at least 1k a  month
  3. Plan for a trip to Kinabalu this coming 13/5/2014 with jenny 
  4. Trip to Philippines this coming July 2014
  5. No more food after 8pm
  6. No canned drink
  7. No fast food
  8. Plan my finance for the coming years, from property, engagement ring, children expenses, family expenses. It would be a great challenge for me this year.
  9. Set up a common goal with Miss J. This would be a priority this month.