Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our wedding preparation process and also our big day journal

It is almost a month after our wedding in 26th of March.

I will bring us back to 21st of March 2016.

Took a flight back home, touched down kota kinabalu around 1130. The weather in Kota Kinabalu was very hazy. Some part of Borneo was on fire.  I still remember looking at the haze and thinking that wasn't  great. and went straight to Shangrila Tanjung Aru Resort to meet Darlene to make the remaining payment. I remember the journey was rather awkward as we were worried of overspending.

Upon reaching the resort, we made the payment and left the resort straight. We went to a place with air cond for lunch at 88 Marketplace. During our lunch time, my dad passed me a huge ang pau for my wedding. I accepted graciously.

we had meals together with my aunty that night at Damai.

On the 22nd of March

We had breakfast together in Damai, topped up my credit and I brought my younger brother to meet our photographer to finalised our childhood montage and also Hong Kong registration slideshow in the morning.

After that, we went to buy KFC for Dad's staff and went back Office to have lunch with them. After our KFC lunch, we then went to Maybank and also Times square to fix our backdrop. Managed to get a huge discount from Orange Channel. Will definitely reckon them again next time.

23rd of March 2016
Jenny's arrival, I took the car and we checked in Imago the Loft. Met Puikei for the key collection and she told me about her new shop in Hilltop. After checked in, we went to meet Darlene from Shangrila to finalise some of the things.

24th of March 2016
Counting down, jenny's family arrival, brought them out for a meal in the city,  we then brought them to Shangrila to do a quick survey in that area, sent them back while I meet up with Darlene together with my parents and also Shaun. I briefed

We had a meal together in Ta Jia Lai that night, mum ordered a huge lobster for them to enjoy.

25th of March 2016
We checked in Shangrila hotel and have scheduled to meet our heng dais and ji mui. we had our lunch in Shang Palace and continue with our planning and stuff. My group of heng dai were slightly late for our rehearsal. Did all the audio and visual checks and went for a quick dinner. After our dinner, I went to fetch jenny's family back to Shangrila. I couldn't sleep that night. went to back around 3am and woke up at 5am.

26th of March 2016

Woke up at 5am, packed and travelled to Shangrila, we checked in room 223. Brought 2 aunties and also 1 cousin to the room for their preparation.

My heng dai arrived and we started preparation, took photos and proceeded with our gate crashing activities. After our gate crashing, we did a brief tea ceremony and went for our lunch and also groom's relative tea ceremony in Shang Palace.

After our lunch, we took a quick break and started the preparation accordingly. we had all our friends and relatives helping us out with the preparation. I went to the room 223 for a quick nap and then hang out in room 222. I did a check with the preparation in the hall and started preparation from my side for the night session.

Around 5pm, we then moved to the garden and took a few photos with some of our overseas friends.

6pm the reception commences. We ended the reception around 1030pm and went for an after party in the bed around 12midnight.

I guess that is all for my wedding celebration.