Thursday, May 26, 2022

Success journal 538: work late and family support

Working in a supportive team is my primary motivation to stay in this current company. Grateful for this. My manager bought us meals and worked together with us. 

Family support is critical; it is like oxygen. When there is a fight like a day before, things will go haywire for the entire day. Lesson learnt. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Success journal 537: Jenny exploded

Live based on principles. 

What is my interest and what I would want to be? 

1. Badminton

2. Investor

3. Traveller

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Success journal 536: cheese night

 Left work early. Cheese night with Jenny xoxo

Monday, May 23, 2022

Success journal 535 : badminton Sunday

 I started my day by bringing Jayden to the rugby session, this time around with Jenny. I took out of my yoga session and spent the time with the family. Time together seems to be very little nowadays. 

After our rugby session, we took a taxi back to United Square. The taxi fares nowadays are just astronomical. The price surge in fuel makes everything more expensive after we reach the united square, we take away some noodles from the Redhill noodle stall, and the lady at the cashier pissed Jenny off with her bad manners. 

After we got our noodles, we walked back home and had brunch together in our living room. We always tend to overeat on Sunday. We then chilled in the house for a while and walked Jenny to the bus stop. 

As usual, I brought Jayden to united square again. To popular and toy r us. I enjoyed the time spent with him. After that, we bought some bakeries from bread talk for lunch. I brought an ode to pumpkin, which cost me $1.60 each. 

After our lunch, we went for a swim in the pool and took a nap. 

I went to Joo Chiat by bus(1hr) for my badminton session with ccy. We got Elaine, pang, ah Fei, Kok Tian, and Chai ann. After the session, we walked to i12 Katong, and I took a bus to the Sengkang sports centre. ( 1 hr) I continued my badminton session with sim for another 2 hours until 10 pm. Happy person 

I took a taxi  and reached home around 11pm. Took a shower and had a good sleep. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Success journal 534: work late and connect with jenny

Worked until 11pm yesterday

Jenny accompanied me to bus stop today. Feeling happy 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Success journal 533: Connect with family

 Took an OIL yesterday and brought Jacob for his immunisation in toa payoh south. 

After immunisation, wI went back home to chill for a bit; I went to pick up Jayden from his school. Along the way, he kept sharing his story with me. 

After fetching him, we went to move a square for a meal. Onkei tonkatsu, a new establishment. I used burpple to eat, and it cost us $46++. Will probably not eat there again, even with burpple.

After lunch, I took a nap, and upon waking up, we did a parent's teachers' day. 

Silent has no value 

I then followed Jenny to her horseback riding class. I am the photographer of the day. Adding value to her. 

After horseback riding, we went home for a meal together with the family. Play some games with Jayden and read him a few stories. 

Did some research for our Melbourne trip and made a reservation on airbnb 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Success journal 532: connect with jenny

Spent time with her, left work around 7 pm, walked around the mall and waited for her to finish her meal with her Meta friend. 

Night routine slept early 


Jacob got eczema since he recovered from Covid. He scratched his right eye today. 

Jayden is having fun with our robot Maria this morning. I activated him in the morning. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Success journal 531: Bonding with friends and family


After work, I took the early bus back home. T226 team cancelled the dinner due to rain. Went to the orchard to shop alone. Jenny and Jayden went out for a playdate 


Work in the morning, after work, I went to the lucky place, and we had steamboat and mahjong until late. 

Monday (Vesak day) 

Had breakfast in Kamome; after breakfast, Jayden went grocery shopping with Sally, and we returned home. Pack some of our stuff for Melbourne, and I sleep, Jacob. 

Set up the robot for a mop, and it did a good job. 

Went to great world city for lunch and we had kith cafe. Spent about 70 on a meal with the family. Jayden had a great time there because of the playground next to it 

After our lunch, Jenny went for her eyebrow and manicure while we went back to rest. 

After rest, I went to Novena Regency for ice cream in Celine. Ordered a waffle set, had black sesame and Jenny had cookie and cream. 

After waffle, we went home for our dinner. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Success journal 530: goodbye at the window

I am trying to leave work as early as I can, priority is shifting from working very hard to working smart. Focusing on things that we can achieve. Connecting with people and working on my boundary. 

Left work around 1800hrs yesterday. Avoided people they I would not want to see. Reached home around 1830hrs. Bbq with jenny, had a good conversation with her, and read a story for my kid. Setup the roboroc vacuum for our home for the 1st time. 

The morning I get to hug Jacob and Jayden. Take my supplements and left work slightly late this morning. 

Everytime when I leave home for work. My son will say goodbye to me at the window. My son at the window on the 6th floor. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Success journal 529: left work early

 Left work at 1130hrs, for course 

Attended a course, swim with Jayden 

Had dinner early and spent the rest of the night sorting out our Australia trip plan 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Success journal 527: left work at 7pm

 I left work around 1830hrs, had dinner and got my kid to sleep around 2100hrs. 

Go through Jenny's plan on the Tasmania trip and target to complete our bookings by this week. 

She felt intimidated when I went through with her 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Success Journal 526: connect with colleagues return thanks

 It is unusual for me to buy drinks for colleagues. Yesterday is a particular case; I bought rounds Of drinks for our colleagues

Cost us 80++, but the effect is fantastic. 

Left work around 8 pm, reached home rather knackered. Read two stories for Jayden, watched a few movie with Jenny and went to sleep. Didn't do much about my planning. 

Did a difficult conversation with the intern. It for his own good. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Success journal 525: badminton marathon and mothers day

 Started my weekend by leaving work around 1730hrs last Friday. Spent time with Jenny while sally was taking care of the kids 

Saturday morning, Jenny and I had breakfast together in Kamome bakery; we are getting closer together through all these bonding sessions. It is nice to spend time with her 

After breakfast, I went for a course in HQ until Lunch. Spent some time with Ken while I was doing some reading and went home for a nap. I then travelled to Bedok for badminton sessions ccy. We then had ice cream together, and then I went to Sengkang for another session. Transporting myself from one place to another makes me happier and can be very costly. 

After badminton with them, we went for a meal together in Sengkang, and I reached home around 0100hrs. 


Mothers day. Brought jayden to rugby as usual; after rugby, we then went to this Kafe utu, an African themed restaurant. 

After our meal, we went shopping in Chinatown. Then we went home and chilled. 

Had takoyaki and sushi for dinner. 

After our meal, we then book our trip to Australia. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Success journal 524: negative equity

 I am spending more than I make. This thought is dangerous 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Success journal 523: Jayden has rashes

 Left work around 1900hrs, straight to kk women and children hospital. Accompanied Jenny and Jacob for Jacob's body rash. He has been a poor boy; I hope he will be stronger this time. 

Check out around 2200hrs, had late dinner with Jenny at home, we were both exhausted and slept around 0000hrs. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Success journal 522: Kota Kinabalu home bound

 It has been two and a half years. Since I last went back to KK. 

Last Friday morning, I sent Jenny and two kids to Changi airport, and they took an earlier flight. I wasted a lot of money on this trip. However, this trip is emotional, and I cannot afford to have any mistakes in between. Grateful for the idea, Jenny supported me in going back to KK with the kids. I nearly give up flying back due to all this stress. Glad we go ahead with the decisions. 

Bought subway, being grateful for my current situation, things are going good. Stable job, healthy body, supportive parents, aunty Jo and Shaun. 

Day 1 (Friday) 

I took a later flight, 1810hrs, and reached KK around 2110hrs. Shaun and mum fetched me from the airport. We then gathered together at home and connected over tea and cakes. 

Day 2 ( Saturday) 

Saturday Morning, we had breakfast in 88, gathering 2. Had Hong Kong noodles, dad seems to know someone around the eating places nowadays, and Shaun is becoming more extroverted. After breakfast, Jenny and I brought Jacob to Dr Tan, PD in Lintas, and we went to Yen Ai for my favourite drink. After Yen Ai, we went home to relax before our road trip to Bundu Tuhan. 

Around 1300hrs, we left KK and headed to Bundu Tuhan; it was a two and a half hours journey. I drove the Honda, and we struggled to find the place because the address wasn't shown clearly, and people around the area couldn't identify the place. 

Just before I reached the place, I accidentally drove the car off the road and causing the car to get stuck. Shaun brought our family members back to safety and sought help. A guy came and assisted us in getting back to safety. I tipped him 50 for his assistance. 

After the incident, we checked in the chalet, unpacked and went out to tour the area. Trying to find food. We ended up having our dinner at mount Borneo. After our meal, we went to Bataras to shop for some stuff. Back to the chalet, relax, drink some beer and chill. 

Day 3 ( Sunday) 

The morning view is fantastic. Took a few photos with the family, and we had breakfast in the chalet. Dad cooked eggs and a burger for us which is very rare. Took a photo of him with the grill. 

After our breakfast and packing stuff,  We drove to 89 stations for our early brunch. The meal is good. After our meal, we went to desa dairy farm. Long queue, but we made it. Saw a few calves and goats in the Pen. Took a few lovely photos and we travelled fo the spring garden, a beautiful place with loads of flowers and a river. We chilled around the area for a bit, and then we had a meal together in H Benjamin. 

Left kundasang around 1615hrs and reached KK around 1830hrs. We went straight home, settled Jacob and brought Jenny out for a meal in Lintas. We had the Jia Xiang noodles. It was good, but the price had been jacked up for quite a bit. Went back home and brought my family out for tea time. Had Hokkien mee. 

Day 4 (Monday) 

Had breakfast in Suria, the Sandakan noodles place. Reached there around 1000hrs, and it was filled very quickly upon opening. Jacob cried very severely, and we forgot Jacob's bag. Shaun offered to drive home and bring it back to us. That is very nice of him. We shopped for a while in Suria and bought some stuff. Went back home for a short nap as Jacob was not feeling well. 

After our nap, we drove to berringis for Jenny and Jayden horse riding. My parents are not comfortable with me. Asked me to drive them to paper. After horse riding for 1730hrs, we went to the nearest restaurant for a seafood fix. I paid rm300 for it. 

After seafood, we went straight home and rested. 

Day 5. 

Woke up at 0645hrs and went to airport T1. Left KK around 0930hrs.