Brought them out to PLQ today in the morning.
Walked for 9 minutes and took the bus 67 to the east.
The bus ride was enjoyable; I showed my kids little India and Geylang. Along the way, there are many Hindu temples, Hari Raya decorations, durians, etc.
Something they don't usually see daily.
We reached PLQ around 9 am, and I brought them to the playground in PLQ 3. They enjoyed it a lot, and then we went to the PLQ Mall toast box to meet up with Aunty Michelle.
We had breakfast together and shopped around the mall.
After shopping, we dropped by Popular and let Jayden read his favourite comic books. Dogman.
After that, we had lunch in Kopitiam. After lunch, we took the bus home and let the boys rest.
Around 1500hrs. I brought two kids to Prinsep Street for Jayden's dancing make-up class.
The teacher, Benjy, gathered all the parents around and briefed us about the slacking incident recently with the replacement class teacher and power moves teacher. Mr Benjy felt the students could have done more and followed the teachers' instructions. At the same time, we parents felt that the Sunday sessions weren't productive and have been slacking for the past few months, and now, The teacher is blaming the kids. The teacher is putting things on the table for everyone to discuss. I think he Is doing something for the team. Perhaps we have high expectations, and the academy cannot provide such an environment and resources for them.
It is an experience for me to be a parent and be in something serious.
Some parents are really into their children's academics. Their life mission is to provide the best for their kids.
After dancing class, we bought some ice cream and bubble tea as treats for the kids. Jayden loved the ice cream, and JJ loved the bubble tea. We took the bus back home, and I organised a badminton session for the kids.
While doing that, parents from the 4th and 7th information about the school system and how to be a tiger parent. Many things waste time, and we must go to the source to get things done. This conversation enlightens me. Focus on the source
Grateful to have had such fruitful conversations