Thursday, March 5, 2009


It's about my grandma, Ever since my Grandfather past away, she had stroke 5 to 6 years ago, which left her paralysed and my grandma couldn't speaks no more. she had been sleeping for more than 5 to 6 years, living in a subconscious state. But she is she is still alive, breathing and eating through a tube in a hole in her throat, while her soul is perfectly awake, she is imprisoned inside a limp husk, perhaps able to blink, or cluck a tongue, like something from a science-fiction movie, the lady frozen inside her own flesh.

She is currently in Johor, where none of her close family is nearby. except my youngest aunt who is working in Singapore and travel back and forth every week. To keep her accompanied.

I visit my grandma once a year probably less than that. She is the best story teller that I have ever met. The way she tells the stories of her past, It's better than any documentary video available on TV. She is a good cook too. I remember she even carried me on her bicycle to a nearby market in Ipoh, and secretly buy me a keropok. Which i will finished it before we reach home.
Even though I rarely speak to her, but she is the best grandma on earth. 
Perhaps she doesn't scare death any more, as death becomes a 'Halt' button for her misery. 
Stay strong grandma, like you used to be. 


  1. I am taking out the chatbox, so i put your comments here.
    lxy: lisa, jason, I guess we have another one more thing in common, my grandma had stroke during cny. Accompany while u can, Lisa, they can feel us. I visit my grandma almost everyday. Anyway, be good

    senka: my grandma had stroke 3yrs ago, exacly the same situation as urs.She is v v pity..feel so sorry when we go n see her,mayb death is a big relief to her i think...she is ady 98yrs old...nywayz, take k

  2. okie okie i understand, i also hope she can feel us. I think she might not recognise me anymore, but still I know she can feel our presence..she needs companions....=)
