Saturday, March 14, 2009

Red Nose Day

It's red nose day, the library sells secondhand books for charity. 
The whole stack of books


  1. Anonymous08:02

    yiu mao oo... so cheap!! but are you going to go through all of those?

    Photoshop 5 ohh... can donate to museum already :D

  2. bing, i doubt that i will manage to go thru all of them. hahaha!!

    Photoshop 5 really can go museum liao..

    There is a chapter about photography for photoshop.

  3. i guess it's the charity that matters!

  4. Anonymous15:18

    O.o so many books...
    u read, i knew. but tat much! lol
    so i c the legendary gold edition bible here
    but Ps5?!! lol really legendary ba tu
