Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am so proud of this run, 
It's  a 10km run, i complete it within an hour and it's all because of the lovely crowd and environment here. Especially those cheering from uncles & aunties along the run. They made me complete this 10km mind game.
It's a weird combination of pain & pleasure.. 

Marrow run mate(Ann's supervisor's husband, Ann's supervisor, Ann,me, Daniel, Jason khara,Vinh and tom). 
Eva is there too, she crosses the finish line with me.
I would like to dedicate this run to my secondary school (TTSS). 
The cross country i never manage to complete in time.

1 comment:

  1. it is nice to see you enjoying the run..know what?i am now waiting for boarding and using my handset to online and read your blog update more so i could read more with the access of the wifi service provided! Take care
