Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day at work

As i missed my flight to kk, I started to miss Kota Kinabalu so much already because I'm well aware that i will probably not going back for another year. It was a melancholy experience to say at least, but now i am trying to get over it by blogging the good stuff that i experience here.

I am learning Basic Accounting with my uncle.(To earn some pocket money in the same time. xD)

My day started with a hot shower at 8am in the morning for about half an hour.
After my comfy shower, i would make myself A slice of Toast(on Atkins' diet) with Peanut Butter and honey. And of course, a cup of white Yorkshire's Tea.

I start working at about 9 o'clock, and i will spend most of my time punching Calculators, Excel, checking up Bills, photocopying bills and those an interns would normally do in an office. When the clock strikes 2, lunch would gave me a call. we( me and 2 of my colleague) would pack all the documents away immediately, and start preparing our lunch in the kitchen. Sometimes they would just bring lunch box to work, But most of the time they would just make sandwiches in the kitchen. Normally, I would just do what the Romans do.

After half an hour break, we would get back to work quickly, and from here we would work till 6 O'clock afternoon(my colleague could sit there for hours without talking). I am very impressed with their ability to sit on one place punching the calculator for hours, without feeling tired.
They are definitely clever and hardworking. I know one of them studied a Degree in Imperial College, London.

Although this work has nothing to do with my field of study. But this work disciplines myself to work with someone else and to suppress my ego, before i actually dive into a real working society.

Many thanks to Uncle George & Aunt Sharon


  1. jeremiah04:02

    You spent your summer to te fullest. Keep it up. And forget about the miss flight thing, it's past. Cheers :D

  2. WAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA you missed your flight you're so funny hahahahaaha. Why you didn't write the reason for missing flight leh? I am interested. Write write write!

  3. It was one hell of an experience. This would affect my credibility too. For not being Responsible.

    Bing, the missing flight thingy wasn't very dramatic. I read the wrong time schedule.

