Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Jason

I am writing you this mail, is because you have missed your flight from Heathrow to Kota Kinabalu on the 11th of August 12:00. Due to your irresponsible actions, it's something that couldn't be reverted.

I am very disappointed with your act, Although you dad supported your actions for staying back in UK this summer, but the aftermaths of missing a flight is similar to the aftershock of an earthquakes to your Family & Friends. Waves after waves, they were utterly showered with disappointment

As a conclusion, I understand that going back to Malaysia with another ticket is not an options anymore. So my suggestion for you is that you utilize the remaining wonderful summer in a good manner. To sharpen your saw or whatever that you are doing


  1. i mean for the success of entering!... lol... XD

  2. I am so silly, it's just my config problems.

  3. Jason!!! A few people asked me when are you coming back and i always thought you're coming back at the end of August le... Didn't know you actually missed your flight pulak...

  4. BONA14:32

    JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SAID YOU WILL COME N FIND ME IN KL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I am so stunned.... @@ What should I say? Welcome to the 'cant go back kk' world? ^^"
