Saturday, November 26, 2011

Transition Period

I am currently on my notification period of my current job. In one month's time, I will be back to my comfort zone, where I call it home. :)

I will have to end this unsustainable lifestyle of mine in UK. As I am heavily depending on my Uncle in London. Although for a short period, I tried to live outside on my own, but the cost of the lifestyle is simply unattainable for a part-time accounts assistant like me. Having said that, I would like to make it clear that this year is not a family-funded gap year, although they did leave a sum of hard-earned-ringgit-converted GBP for me to spend which I am grateful of. 

But leaving this place is inevitable, considering all the factors(low growth, euro-zone crisis, highest unemployment rate from 1997). It's very obvious that its time to pack my luggage, and check in Heathrow.It's time for me to explore somewhere else. 

Looking at all opportunities that I had given, I have got fair number of chance to secure jobs that would let me obtain a visa of employment and eventually let me extend my stay here in UK. It's probably one of the main reason deterring myself from trying to stay here for one another year(as my visa ends Jan 2012). 

I am looking forward to what is coming on later in life.
Embarking a life changing journey. 

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