Thursday, December 1, 2011

Learn to write

According to Jay Chou latest song Mine Mine
" A man will be a writer when his companion is not around"

I am into writing at this particular moment, however what I would like to say is that apart from growing older and more mature (hopefully) there is literally nothing happening around me.

When I say nothing, I really mean nothing.

So when I was contemplating what to write down on my Blog, I am very close to Mr Einstein thinking about the universe. Apart from the fact that he manages to equate energy, mass and speed while I am still sitting in front of the computer trying to write something.

Most of the time nowadays, I spent a tiny amount of time on Facebook and tweeter, as I would regards both the social media to be an extravagant for an individual like me. Part of it is that my low self esteem has prevented myself to share what sort of life that I am living. I am not abnormal, just that I have been socially excluded for awhile. that's all. I am sure everything will be fine again in the near future. Hopefully.

Learning to write. :)

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