Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Before end of July 2014

So this is the start of miss j holiday, she will be in home for the first two weeks preparing for her trips in the coming months. She will be going Australia, Bali, America and Hong Kong.

On my side, I will be starting my project in Tuas south which is really far from civilization,

What I need to settle by the end of this months are

1) to update my cv
2) to update linked in
3) to get my holiday sorted
4) Book a pr application date
5) target 60k investment fund by end if 2014
6) research auctioned property in Sabah
7) US visa
8) CPF Research
9) Singapore driving license

Also to note, I have been attending a few property seminars recently and found a few deals in Singapore. For Australia three is the this order to build in Melbourne area called point cook. The down payment cost about 125k and will generate about 3k a year net.

As for the american property is about 40k usd and get about 700 return a month. That is buying distress property and renovate it and rent it out,

These will be useful when money is available.

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