Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday thoughts

It was a Sunday, a late night after my football till 2 am in the morning. Argentina won Belgium 1-0 .

Woke up at about 7am, prepared breakfast and did my laundry. Went to Zumba.

Had lunch with miss J and we discussed about buying properties in Malaysia and also in Singapore and also to check on the facts of owning properties.

After our lunch, we went to alive museum from Korea in sun tech tower 3. It was very interactive and fun. Catch up with a few friends and we had dinner together at crystal jade.

We mentioned about asking for stuff and making things happen. Although resources had been around us but asking for it is one crucial step for us to success. It was true and I need to learn it.

On top of that, we also discuss about choosing a route which could help us see further instead of just running without knowing direction of how our life would be.

There are a few things and actions which we had already identified already and is ready.

Another fruitfulness weekend indeed 

Love J

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