Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to Kota Kinabalu 8/8/2014-10/8/2014

It was a short and random trip back home. It cost me SGD 400 just to travel back to Kota Kinabalu. Although it was short but it was rather meaningful. It has been more than a year since I am back to my home town. There are so many familiar faces and places. I also had a good chance to try those lovely seafood immediately I touched down Kota Kinabalu. 

Somehow, the air there is slight different, a lot lighter. Life is so much more relaxing. I guess the pace in Kota Kinabalu is nowhere near Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. It is a place with resources.e.g. cheap labour, materials and also properties. 

My trip back this round is mainly to catch up with my family. Haven't met them for ages already, I guess it is time to really have a good round of bonding session with them before I do another trip to other places. 

Having spent 2 days and 2 nights with them, I returned to Singapore on the Sunday. I felt it was a bit short but sweet. Just nice to cover some of the important conversation with my family. 

Looking forward for another round back to home again in October. 

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