Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014 review

Just to wrap up my 2014. 

Extracted my depacted wisdom tooth

Travelled to a few places: Japan,US,Melacca,Penang,Bangkok, Hong Kong x2,kk x3.

Attended a few property seminar.

Invested properties in overseas.

Changed job. 

Joined gym personal trainer. I believe investing in experience and knowledge.

Moved in together with jenny.

Set long term goal and vision with Miss J.  😊

Brought jenny back to kk.

Maintained a close relationship with my parents and brother. Went back 3 times for a year and called them more often on a weekly basis. 

Assisted in my parents business.  Set up an website.

Assisted my brother into stock market.

Planned and booked a trip for my family to Australia. 

Hit my target return around November. It was a good year for my investment.  However not because of my skill but because it was a bull market. Still got a lot to learn in the future. 

Jenny and I tackled some challenging issues this year.  Raffles incident, property research, investment, travel planning,  goal setting and execution. 

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