Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 2016 Review

We started off with Thomson Medical Antenatal Dr Wong Boh Boi at AMK while Jenny is in her 19th week The entire program is about 5 classes and it cost about 400++ per couple. 

I learned about taking care of a pregnant mother, breastfeeding and some common symptoms or complications throughout pregnancy. 

We went back to Hong Kong on the 10th of September 2016, caught up with Avis and also Murphy, Molly and also a new huge rabbit. I can truly feel Avis's warmth hospitality towards Jenny and I. We are both truly grateful to have such a wonderful caring friend. 

We went Hong Kong to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday. We had a meal and also met some other relatives which we missed out previously when we did our registration in December 2015. 

We also visited Margaret Hospital to check about the delivery procedure and also how to do the booking. So we need to get a medical certificate saying Jenny is official pregnant then only we can get a place int the hospital for the delivery. 

Aside from this, we tried to check with Malaysia embassy in Hong Kong about getting our child's Malaysia Citizenship. Unfortunately, it was a holiday that Monday, which is why we got a holiday in Singapore in the first place.

As we got back Singapore, we then celebrated's Ted's Birthday in Pasar Bella in Suntec, the place was rather hip and our celebration falls on the Formula one race weekend which Nico Rosberg took the podium. That particular weekend, Suntec was filled with beautiful cars and somehow sexy models. We can hear the roaring sound while walking from MRT towards Suntec mall. 

On my third Sunday, I was invited by Raymond to play Poker in his place with his mates. It was a fun game to play and I get to know more about some of his Hong Kong friends in a short period of time. We had
  • Nguyen, who is very cautious with his diet, and how he distribute his cards. he is the only one who cannot speak Cantonese on the table
  • Gloria, a lady who went MIA for the whole while and was late for more than an hour. although she then brought a few bottles of beers for us to make up. She is the first one to lose all her chips. She likes spicy crisps 
  • Raymond and Anita, a unique couple who behaves more like friends than couple sometimes. Probably because they have spent a lot of time together. 
  • Aldric, a banker which brings his people skills to the poker table. He won a lot of money at the beginning of the game
  • Oil king, which I forgot his name but he was the 2nd runner up after Raymond at the end of the game. 
To conclude the game, it was an interesting one and I am hoping looking for more games to come in the future. It is good to learn from the Hong Kongers and to upgrade my self confidence in the the near future. 

We then head off towards Takashimaya East Ocean at Orchard Road for our dinner with our Hong Kong's Pore Pore group.Our poker group were late for like almost 20 minutes. I guess being late is a habit imbued in Hong Kongers. As we arrived, most of our friends have reached apart from the one who is working with Goldman Sach. 

David brought a new friend to join our group, the guy who we met in our BBQ session in David's place last time. David also brought a few souvenirs for us that night. David and Jenny brought mooncake that night too. 

Alex then sent us back home at the end of the dinner. We had a short conversation about newborn, which is now our common conversation. 

On the third week of the month, we attended Choi Mei and Bernard's wedding lunch in Royal Park Pickering which was rather glamorous and enjoyable. Again, we catch up with our friends in Singapore and also some flew in from Australia and Kota Kinabalu namely Caren and Lisa. 

So on our last week of September, I will be working on night shift again and I will be focusing on getting my Malaysia Marriage Registration. As I have already obtained my Hong Kong Marriage Certificate, I don't need to get another Single status certificate from JPN (HQ) in KL. 

As Jenny is Hong Kong citizen while I am a Malaysia Citizen, we both registered our marriage in Hong Kong. 

So what we(Non-Muslim with foreign certificate) need to do in order to obtain Malaysia Marriage Certificate are as follow: 
  1. To get a form KC06 from Malaysia Embassy in Singapore. 
  2. To fill it up and get translated in JB court. 
  3. To Submit the translated form to JPN in JB, both of us are required to be there to sign some documents. According to the lady on the phone is that we will only spend about 20 minutes there
  4. Complete the re-registration form in JPN JB. 
After getting our Malaysia Marriage certificate, we will then focus on our child's citizenship application in Malaysia Embassy in Hong Kong. 

So there goes my September 2016 

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