Wednesday, August 23, 2017

23/8/17 Jayden's Pre nursery registration at St James' Church Kindergarten (SJCK)

As we are attending St James' Church Kindergarten Tour today, Jenny took half day off. Upon arrival around 1230,  we were invited to a waiting room to wait for other parents to reach.

SJCK main building ( the house) 
Garden in front of the main building
The senior principal of St James Church Kindergarten (SJCK), Jacquline Chung showed up and guided us to a gathering area near one of the classrooms. She introduced herself and told us that is one of the biggest group she has ever had in SJCK.

She is very articulate, not the ang moh accent nor the Singlish which I am expecting but rather a comfortable and clear English in her own way. 

The tour is rather simple really as she guided us around the school introducing the spaces.  The tour ended with a Q&A session. The classes are conducted in a bilingual environment where each class will have 2 teachers speaking either English or Mandarin. At the Q&A session, I remember vividly that she said: 

"In Singapore, there is not much difference between schools for literacy and also numeracy education. What sets us apart is value-based decision making embedded in our child."  

We also discussed logistic, number of students in the school and also briefly mentioned about the transition period after the school's lease end in 2023 etc. The tour was rather informative and we were very satisfied with the school's facilities and also teachers on board.

We immediately registered pre-nursery for Jayden right after the tour. We chose the 2nd session because we can top up extra curriculum after the end of the 2nd session. I.e. Swimming sessions with the pool in the school. Can't wait to see Jayden swimming. 

Swimming pool

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