Thursday, December 29, 2022

Success journal 641: Tokyo trip with family and mother in law

Day 1 
Singapore Changi to Narita airport Japan. We reached Narita airport around 7 am and checked out around 8 am. 

We bought the JR Tokyo wide pass and took the Narita Express to Tokyo station. We changed to the Marunouchi line and headed to Akasaka Mitsouko station. 

We walked to our hotel, centurion residential Akasaka, and dropped our luggage. We then shopped around the area until 3 pm, and we went back to our hotel to get changed and stuff 

After getting changed, we travelled to Shibuya, Takeshita street, for (window)shopping. 

Day 2 (Senso Ji and Echigo Yuzawa)
We heard that Gala Yazawa is not open yet due to a lack of snow. 

Went to sensoji in the morning in akasuka, packed with people as it was a Sunday. I guess the locals would go to these places as well. The food street is fully open and packed. 

We returned to our hotel and brought out ski luggage to Gala Yuzawa; although it was not opened yet, we went to the Tokyo train station and took the JR line to Gala Yuzawa with our JR Tokyo wide. The opening date had been postponed to the 19th, day 2 of our skiing trip. So we went ahead with our plan and took the train to Gala Yuzawa. 

We nearly missed our stop for our hotel while taking the shinkansen, and we rushed down the train when we reached 
Echigo Yuzawa. 

There was an incident at shabu dinner where the staff had to bow to an angry customer. 
Onsen with Jayden in our hotel. 

Day 3 (Mt Naeba)
Woke up, packed our things and checked out from our hotel. Gala Yuzawa remained closed; we had to look for an alternative. After checking with our hotel reception, we decided to go to Mt Naeba via local bus. The ride is about 30mins from the station and is called prince ski resort. The bus ride is rather exciting, but we opt for the one further away from the town upon reaching the ski resort. It looked like it remained closed. Only a few of the slope is open. So We took the gondola ride to the top of Mr Naeba for sightseeing. 

We took the prince hotel shuttle bus back to echigo yuzawa, collected our bags, and it snowed a bit.

We took the train back to Tokyo station and checked in to our centurion hotel in Akasaka again. 

Day 4 (Klook tour Mt Fuji)
Woke up at 430am, prepared all the things and left the hotel around 0615hrs for Shinjuku by Taxi. It cost us 4k Yen for a short 15mins ride. 

Started around 0715, went to the yeti ski resort and enjoyed the Mt Fuji scenery. We then took a pirate ship ride in Hakone, ropeway, to the owakudani volcano. 
Had lunch on the bus and ended the tour with shopping at the Gotemba outlet. Upon returning to Shinjuku, we had dinner in a German place and walked to a nearby government building. 

Day 5
After intense mode, we have a free and easy day in between. Today was a more relaxing day. We woke up late and headed to Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Shibuya near Harajuku station. The shrine is located in the Yoyogi part, making the walk to the shrine very enjoyable. We took a stroll around the park. I bought myself a coffee and took some pictures while Jenny went to do some shrine stuff. 

After the Meiji Jingu Shinto shrine visit, we then walked for a bit around Harajuku and found a place for ramen, which is foreigner-family-friendly. We had to leave Jacob outside the restaurant in a stroller. 

After our meal, we took a ride to Hibiya and had a short stop for dessert in Tokyo's midtown Hibiya, which is posh and family-friendly. 

After our nice chocolate dessert, we moved to Odaiba; we took the bus ride with a stroller, which was another experience with Jacob. 

At night we did team lab planet, which was mesmerising. My family enjoyed it. 
We took the bus back to Ginza to shop for a while and headed home. 

Day 6
- Disneyland~ 

Day 7 
Today is another relaxing free, and easy day; we took a train ride to Sunshine city for the mega Pokemon centre, we bought all the stuff for Jayden, and we let him learn more about Pokemon. 

-after our Pokemon adventure, we went to Ginza to shop. I get a chance to experience the Tokyo yonex centre. 

Day 8(Akihabara)
Is when I took my two kids to Akihabara while Jenny and her mum went to sensoji. We took the Ginza line and headed to Akihabara, an electric town and had a quick dip in the anime shop, checked out some maid cafes, and we gathered back together in the Tokyo Pokemon centre DX. We had our lunch, brought our stuff from the hotel and headed towards Narita Airport, Tobu. 

Day 9 
We took a relaxing stroll to the airport terminal at 3 in the morning, bought some souvenirs and had a healthy ramen and took our 4 pm flight back to Singapore 

End of Tokyo trip 2022. 

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