Monday, April 29, 2024

Success Journal 962: Connecting with high value parent

Consider an excellent weekend for myself with the family. Didn't arrange many activities for myself. 

Grateful that I get to rest well and recover from all the stressful work 

I get to plan our Dubai trip, work on the accommodation, 

It is incredible how all these thoughts I am doing will be realised. 

Also, I need to think what is my direction moving forward. 

Read a report from clct. About their AGM, strategy moving forward, etc. 

Another perk of sending Jayden to all these activities is to connect with those parents. Some are very resourceful and willing to share their hard work. 

Connected with Ling Lin, yilun's dad. He is into property and was very excited to share with me about it. He mentioned about the benefit of buying into a freehold. 
The rental market is doing ok, while nobody is buying property nowadays. 

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