Monday, June 10, 2024

Success journal 987: Elvis wedding, connecting with old colleagues, rest and childrens festival

I worked on Saturday, so by the time I reached home, I spent some time with JJ. Took a bath with him and went to bed to recover from a long day. 

Woke up At 7 am; Jayden has no rugby today. 

So we all went to JJ Gymnastics. Together with Jayden. 

Jayden gets to join in. After Jacobs's session, we took a cab to Prinsep Street for his dance session. Chatted with parents around. 

Many are very dedicated to their children's development. They want the best for them. 

After the dancing session, I attended Elvis's wedding banquet and met up with Goh, Xing Xing, Jeff and Hong kiat. Catch up with them for a while. 

After the banquet, I then went to Gardens by the Bay to meet up with Jenny and her friends with kids. The kids had a blast at the children's festival. We had dinner together at McDonald's. We then went to i-light. 

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