Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Success journal 1036: JB trip passport renew

Listening to podcast investor podcast
Woke up in the morning at 0530hrs, left the house around 0615hrs, took the 0650hrs bus and reached JB around 0730hrs 

Walked to the nearby Mall Galleria and waited front of the glass door. 

When the glass door opened, people rushed into the mall and ran to the 2nd floor. 
I did an online renewal, and I managed to cut through many of them. 

There was a trick that we had to printout the receipt 

The process is meeting my expectations, I managed to get my passport renewed around 2 pm, including some work-from-home time and lunch. 

After 2 pm, I rushed home and spent time with my family. 

Reached home around 1630hrs. Bought them 
Pizza and rotiboy. They loved it. 

Jenny and I spent some time together having bubble tea. 

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