After class i went for a quick hair cut in the school, and we talked alot when she is cutting my hair, complaining about the taukeh beside her shop, her business, and talked about how she would get into this field.. i spend the whole 1 hour break in her shop.. Oo.. before i go for a haircut, i went to the faculty office, to pass up my transfer application(which was supposingly to be submitted by 28 of february) letter. the girl is very friendly, as when she saw i am from sabah, she told me that she went to sabah last week, for exhibition. Then she told me the seafood there, gaya street, and alot more.. I missed sabah badly after i had a short 3 min conversattion with her.. Ok, back to my application, the indian gal told me tat i was too late to apply transfer now, but i insist her to call the dean(michael clorke).I Wonder why transfer application have to be apply thru dean???!!! Is the dean too free, or the other university also like this..
She tried her best to pursue michael to help me out..and she say she had tried her best and ask me if i could wait for another year( oh my good, you think i got so many years to wait a!) . But she asked me to talk with my director of Civil Engnineering.. which means RB(reinierBuewmeester) Where i met him last 2 weeks because of my coursework thingy.. And i went straight to his office after i finished class, and talked with him about the transfer, he promised me to helped me out, and tell what he can do for me, he is such a caring persona and the most important thing is he did not mentioned anything about the coursework at all during my visit today even my piece of coursework is on the table that we discussed about the transfer.Looking forward to study in UK...
What a day for me~~ but it just does not end here;
Not to forget to mention that i talked more than i should in a shop today..This is confidential, haha..
After all the Uni life, we went to Metro point for our ice-cream, we had ice-cream before we had dinner(where i am abit regret). Bernadette bought half gallon of (3 flavoured) ice-cream for 5 people, at 1st it was not that impressive,But when i start to eat the ice-cream, it seems i would not want to come baskin for the rest of my life anymore, is like Food SM~~ Pay to torture our tummy!! Luckily one of my housemate(PY) who are dieting did not join us, if not she will definitely regret for the next 2 weeks!After baskin, we go to Mac Donalds, and guess what, we had nuggets, fries, burger and chicke,but anyway, i really enjoyed the night we had!~~
The End!! What a tiring day! (I will post the Picture we took in Baskin)
Half Gallon Ice Cream
Fat-free chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Honeycomb ~~