Sunday, March 30, 2008

Eat to live; Live to Eat

Eat to live means we eat in-order to keep on surviving;Live to eat means we live because we want to eat!!
So basically, i am a guy who live to eat, i have lived for almost 24 years, and i have never ever suffer hunger in my live before. i wonder how people would die because of hunger, i have an image where a lizard die in my room because of hunger, as i cleaned my room lately, and kept all of those insects away from my room,the baby lizard is out of food and he actually died on my timetable...
That day i saw an article in Time Magazine, about the what the world eats,
This is a family in Germany, this whole week's food would cost them $500.07

This is in Chad, this whole week food for 6 people would cost them about $1.23

I am putting this in my blog just to remind myself how lucky i am to live in a wonderful place where food is not an issue for me. I hope you would be grateful too about everything you have.

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