Friday, April 4, 2008

A day at home~

A Very touching Message from my housemate(Poh Yee) .see previous post to know why.

Today i spend the whole day at home, surf internet, eat, facebooking and hydraulicking!!

i have submitted my dissertation's draft to my lecturer mr Goh. After submitting my draft to him, i was like slacking for the past few days giving myself an excuse to wait for him to review about it 1st , before i go any further..
Besides, i have also asked RB about the transfer thingy, and he haven actually reply me yet. I am very desperate to know whether if i could transfer onot..
My heart beat is above 150 all the time, checking emails regularly.. waiting their reply now!! the reason why i suddenly wanted a transfer is................................ (will be posted if i managed to get it).. haha~
Is 2300 now and i am going out for supper, I need fresh air.
Wait Wait Wait~~

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