Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stranger I am

Note:You have to watch The Curious case of Benjamin Button, to understand this post.  
Daisy Fuller: I am Daisy. Do you still remember me ?
Benjamin Button: I am Benjamin. 
(when the old Daisy Fuller found Benjamin Button when he is 5 years old.)
Although they became strangers, It was the love of their lifetime. 
Miss D is calling me a stranger.
Sending me a clear message, just like what Daisy did to Benjamin in New York & Paris.
No matter how, Loving a stranger is an amazing experience, 
Where I could not expect what to come next. 
and got nothing to lose. 


Isn't Love great? To bond 2 strangers together.

Love always,


  1. who Miss D oh ^^ stranger?

    I love that movie >_< it's so sad and still sad.

  2. Bangla,She is my gf. I think it's romantic in another way . :)
