Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hallward (updated)

I am sorry, I accidentally published a draft.
This is the proper post.
This post is about the library that i am going lately.
We got 2 libraries in the main campus which is George Green library and Hallward library.. 
George green library is for engineering  while hallward is for the law. 
I would say Macbooks, Iphones, Branded School bag (they use LV bag to carry their notes and Macbook, wth!) and a cup of coffee from the cafeteria, is a trend here.
Apart from all that, I love hallward. Going to the library is never the same again. the atmosphere the library created is just incredibly amazing.  

Inside Hallward

They study there for hours. (on the floor)

Fresh Air

Mentos and Boots' Candy (paracetamol)
It's more relaxed to study in such a good environment. 
I got a favourite place to study, where water refill is nearby, air ventilation is good, the table is big enough for all my humongous files, 
and the best bits?
Hallward library is full of  blondes, 
Talking is equivalent to breathing for them, the moment they stop talking, they stop living.
But anyway, they are architecturally pleasant and never fail to soothens my tiring eyes, every intervals. 


  1. oo... good ventilation.. I will have to steal your spot one day!
    hallward has been impossible to study recently, so I don't go there anymore..
    so many people its crazy and loud!!

    I see.. Jason is into blonde girls..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found a place where ventilation is really good, and it's a silent area. :)
    Yea, I am quite surrounded by blonde girls lately. They were rather talkative, but overall they were not too bad to study with. :)

  4. Anonymous09:16

    that's good then...wish you have a nice affair with the blonde girls...
