Friday, June 5, 2009

Post Exam.

Just woke up from a fulfilling sleep, although is after exam, there is still something in me. it seems that I've not completed my exam. probably it's because i wish to sit for more exam. As i am disappointed with my previous paper. So i wish to sit for more exams to lower down the weightage mark of the papers.. Damn disappointed.
So i will be away for 10 days, a short break after the exam is good, but a trip with wonderful buddies is just priceless. I would say to experience new things together, it's a good way to forge a long lasting friendship.
Back to the title, right after my Exams...
This is Alex from hong kong. He is intelligent, outgoing and smart. He can skipped all the classes, and still manage to get a 1st class in his double degree course. He is now travelling all over europe. From him I learnt alot of hong kong cultures, they way they converse is much more different than Malaysian. I won't say it's better or worst, it's just different. But i think the more i understand the culture of a country, the more i like it there.
He will be visiting Malaysia this coming august! Hope he will have fun!

it's a sketch of my chubby left hand

I will keep in touch with you guys in 10 days..
My brother's birthday is coming soon.
Happy birthday brother!


  1. hope you are having loads of fun travelling right now :)
    i love the hand drawing, its much better than mine xD

    remember to take loads of photos and take care!!

  2. I have a friend who never goes to uni also, yet still able to finish entire law degree. his name is Sherzali. He is god.

    Another friend who studies nano tech, who never goes to school also. But he flunk out of course, but he is earning $USD1k-2k from blogging.

  3. Anonymous08:57

    nice sketch..
    i cant do that.. haha.. =)

  4. Eva
    that is so sweet of you, I doubt that I could draw better than you. xD
    I am impressed by your passion towards art. xD

    lol, that is so unfair. how could people skip all the class and still be able to earn that much.
    I believe earning and education doesn't proportionally related. I think people who scored lower marks in academic tends to take more risks. :)

    I am sure you can draw that too. I am not born to draw.
    By the way, Thx for dropping some comments.

  5. Anonymous05:36

    I agree that low education= low risk adverse. They also have the unique ability of grabbing on to opportunity when they pass by.

    By the way, as far as i am concerned, it has been a long time since you were considered chubby la =p

    Take care bro,
