Thursday, November 26, 2009

Unleash the seal

Until I am hit by something, I would not know how much people cares about me.
My family, friends and Fie, they are always there for me whenever i am down, sad and stress.
This post is to show my gratitude to them.

For the past 2 weeks, I have been put under a tremendous amount of pressure. Coursework, Badminton Competitions, Work, Dissertations. They all come together, time is the limiting resources. However, just a few hours ago,all these tremendous burden were off my shoulder.It happens so quickly, that I could feel a surge of pressure from myself. Fighting against my flesh pushing all these inner force out of my body.

This is probably a side effect of sealing my stress, sealing my emotions to myself, like a Crab, hiding himself in a hard shell.

It's hard for me to explain how I feel at the moment, hopefully this picture could explain it.

Imagine that the pressure in the atmosphere is less than the pressure inside the sealed bottle. This bottle would just go BURST.
Thanks to those who kept my cap open, so I could stay equilibrium with the atmosphere.

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