Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chinese New Year 2013 @ Singapore

I will briefly describe my chinese new year celebration in singapore 2013.

This year, my parents and my younger brother came Singapore to celebrate CNY with me. 

We went around Singapore to eat, hang out, spent time together and catch up with ourselves. I really enjoyed myself these few days. A true quality time spent with my family. I somehow believe that the ties between us when we were away from KK seems to be stronger as we do not have any other commitments. 

It was a special Chinese new year celebration for me this year as this would be the first year I celebrated with my family in Singapore with mild dengue fever. By the time I wrote this post, I have well recovered. I guess readers will not need to worry. :) 

That is all for my simple chinese new celebration with my Family in singapore 2013.. 

Looking forward for our family gathering in April. :) 


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