Monday, March 3, 2014


A brief summary of my failures in life. There are all very very precious to me. 

  • 2003-2004:I failed to pass my A-level exam, I retake A-level when I was 18, it took me additional half year for it.
  • 2010: I failed to be the champion playing for mix double in Malaysia Nottingham games while I am in Nottingham. It was the closest I could get to my tournament life. It was devastating. 
  • 2010: I couldn't get a job after I graduated from University of Nottingham. 
  • 2011: I went into depression, a year which I couldn't cope after hunting for job in London. I lost 15 kilos in total. I was working more than 60 hours a week. 
  • 2013: I failed at my closest social entrepreneurship Startup with a bunch of good friends. Pet Rangers
  • 2014: I wonder what would it be. 

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