Saturday, September 12, 2015

To do list in Kota Kinabalu September 2015

  1. Meet Darlene- the Tanjung Aru 
  2. Guest list
  3. Photographer (Michael Lee) 
  4. Videographer 
  5. Meet MUA
  6. Florist (decoration)
  7. Check with Darlene about backdrop decoration
  8. Family tea ceremony
  9. Registration of Marriage in Malaysia. 
  10. Meet Emcee
  11. Driving license
  12. Transport for jenny parents
  13. Accommodation for jenny parents
  14. Live band
  15. Check Malaysia loan
  16. Spend quality time with family. 
  17. Update my maybank ac
  18. Update my mykad
  19. Check with popular for available packages for hong konger
  20. Bring parents to do anti oxidant test
  21. Meet LYT
  22. Meet Jon and Larry
  23. Meet up with xiao yun gang. 

I am so looking forward already. 

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