Tuesday, September 19, 2017

MMI 2017 Takeaways

Day 1
Start a jar system
FFA 10%
EDU 10%
PLAY 10%
NEC 55%

Quality over quantity

Do not create money through fear, anger or to prove yourself. Create money through joy

Day 2

  • Intention of the day, play the money game to win
  • Draw a success table
  • Management agreement
  • There are no failures, only feedback
  • Spend 80% of resources in Marketing
  • We are creatures of Habits
  • I am a Money Magnet, Thank you thank you thank you
  • Never compare to others people success
  • Master Manifestor
  • My wife held a high standard of me
  • Spend 30 minutes a day improving 
  • Craft a mission statement
  • Death by powerpoint
Day 3
  • Focus on me please, be present
  • Learn from nature
  • No right and wrong. Only supportive and non-supportive thoughts
  • Doing for another person will only lose interest 
  • Being angry is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies
  • Success breeds success
  • Start a success journal
  • To attend mission to million
  • Thoughts- Feelings- Action= Results
  • Action is the bridge between thought and result
  • Fear=anticipation of pain
  • Act in spite of fear
We sang The Living Years

Met a few high profiled individual and sat down speaking with them. One of them is Kira , an full Oxford scholarship sailing around the world. 

The course fee is about sgd1250 and was given to me by Lucy. Feeling grateful

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