Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Status update

To briefly update my current life. I am a father of 2, working with a local project management company. Writing this blog on bus 851 while I am on my way home in 2025hrs. Almost more than 12hours of shift work. 

It is exhausting. No complaint. At least I have something on my mind that I will do in the future. Just have to bear with it. 

My mum offered to buy a Japanese exam grade upright piano for Jayden and Jacob today. Both Jenny and I are very grateful to have such loving parents. 

Work is not too bad. Happy with what I have now; at least colleagues are supportive. 

A book I am reading is an atomic habit by James clear. It is to learn how to build good habits. 

I am typing with Grammarly, a software that helps correct my grammar. 

A series I am watching with Jenny is Emily in Paris from Netflix. We get to spend quality time together watching drama together. 

I am trying to build a habit of creating content to improve my communication skills in the long run, from blogging to blogging and journaling my life. 

I have started to take vitamin c, fish oil and men vitamins. Hair starts to fall, and it seems to be scary. Soon I will have no hair 

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