Sunday, March 6, 2022

Success Journal 484

Sunday morning started with the usual routine; I woke up around 7 am brought jayden and Jacob to rugby. This time around is with coach ben, booked the car at 9 am, rushed back home to drop Jacob off. 

 Didn't attend my yoga session this time around and went out to have breakfast with Jenny. We both ordered two meals and sat down to enjoy our time together. We didn't get to do so much together, and moments like this is becoming rare. Thanks to Sally being able to take care of two of them. We bought some bakeries from Kamome bakeries as usual which we then brought fo Bernadette's place. 

After breakfast, I quickly finished my report and went to Bernadette's place for lunch. After lunch, we played a few games and sent Jacob back home. 

After that, we went back to their home and played a few card games called kopi king. Chai ann won the game while I lost to Jayden. 

After our card games, we then went to Telok Kurau longboarding. It was chill and relaxing. Nice place. My friends have been taking care of Jayden, which I am very grateful for. Bernadette also invites us to join our Wednesday session in the Stadium around 9 pm. The timing seems too late for us, but it was a good gesture. 

After longboarding, we took a taxi back to Novena hong long street for dinner. I ordered chicken wings, tofu, lemon chicken and hor fun. Jayden didn't like the lemon chicken and Hor Fun. He settled for the shrimp paste chicken wings and also hot plate tofu. 

After our meal, we walked back home, and I did a bit of longboarding in between. May need to invest in some guards. Cannot afford to injure myself again. 

Edited the video at night and connected with Jenny before I slept. I lost around 1kg++ last week, which seems like an improvement for me. Fewer snacks and a time lifestyle. 

End of my Sunday Journal. 

I have decided to sell half of my geo-energy holdings and would like to check for any dividends. Geo is around 0.55 because the coal prices are inflated due to Russia and Ukraine wars. 

Did my rebounding in the morning and had supplements; I didn't get to connect with Jacob today. 

Have to keep my goals within sight and work towards my goals. 

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