Monday, July 18, 2022

Success journal 560: Connecting with people and Sunday budget

Sunday morning, went to church and connect with myself and Jesus. The session was rather boring with the pastor. But one thing I learn is to knock and the door shall open. Perhaps I will want to check what is out there. Donated $50. 
Law of attractions. 

After the church session, I brought jayden to merlion. We took bus to Funan, and walked to merlion. Took one photo and went back to Funan for McDonald's . He wanted cheeseburger and nuggets. I spent $20 for the meal with him. Love the moment we bond over meal. He got so much things to share with me and I find it entertaining. We talked almost about everything. Learn things one at a time. 

After our meal, i dropped Jayden back to home and went straight to Vivocity to meet Jenny. I reached there slightly earlier and spent some time in the library with myself, and a short nap 😄 
We then went for a meal in tam zhai Sam gor. Spent around $22 for the meal. Their noodles are getting expensive and portion is smaller now. We didn't order any drink and will get use to it. 

After our meal, we went to grab some food from NTUC and took a grab to Lucy place. That was $7 

We then spent the evening there in her place and chill for the night. There was like 10 of us. 

Took a gojek back which is around $20.40

In total we spent like $120.40 for a Sunday. 

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